Ron Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll...Again

you are high if you don't think whoever the GOP puts up has an excellent chance of beating obama.

From the motley crew listed above? Who?

All of them are just so bland or overexposed to a particular segment of the GOP but resisted by other parts.

Most of the GOP posters here say they wouldn't be thrilled with Palin. And Romney has his too-liberal record on spending plus a lot of people still view Mormonism as cultish. Paul is too liberal on social policy for most conservatives and a lot of moderates, and his overall economics are too radical a change in too short a time.

Gingrich? So much baggage and seen as a tired old barking dog, not someone with a fresh set of ideas. Pawlenty? There's talk of using his speeches as some sort of mass warfare to get the other side to lay down their arms and take a nap.

Huckabee is not trusted. I think his show on Fox will come back to hurt him as he is easily portrayed as too much of an Evangelist. Santorum? Way too far right.

I don't know a lot about the others, but I don't get the impression that any of them have any real allure. And the primaries are a year away? Seems unlikely that any of them would want to be the sacrificial lamb for '12 if they are young and would more likely consider '16.
From the motley crew listed above? Who?

All of them are just so bland or overexposed to a particular segment of the GOP but resisted by other parts.

Most of the GOP posters here say they wouldn't be thrilled with Palin. And Romney has his too-liberal record on spending plus a lot of people still view Mormonism as cultish. Paul is too liberal on social policy for most conservatives and a lot of moderates, and his overall economics are too radical a change in too short a time.

Gingrich? So much baggage and seen as a tired old barking dog, not someone with a fresh set of ideas. Pawlenty? There's talk of using his speeches as some sort of mass warfare to get the other side to lay down their arms and take a nap.

Huckabee is not trusted. I think his show on Fox will come back to hurt him as he is easily portrayed as too much of an Evangelist. Santorum? Way too far right.

I don't know a lot about the others, but I don't get the impression that any of them have any real allure. And the primaries are a year away? Seems unlikely that any of them would want to be the sacrificial lamb for '12 if they are young and would more likely consider '16.

it's not going to be one of them.

so LG if the unemployement rate goes from 9.7-8.5 obama will be reelected?

it would not suprise me though if he's reelected. many Americans are pretty stupid and would elect this marxist again.
He got alot of fawning after the keynote address at the Dem convention in 2004, that's when the whole hope and change spiel started.

that's the point I figured he would be running for Pres eventually. Of course I thought he would get some experience first
Nobody that wins the CPAC straw wins the general election. If unemployment is at 8% or less by 11/12 Obama gets a 2nd term.
Nobody that wins the CPAC straw wins the general election. If unemployment is at 8% or less by 11/12 Obama gets a 2nd term.

He might get a second term but that won't be enough to do it. His program for increasing employment has failed miserably. By a 19% margin, Americans want the greatest accomplishment of his term to be repealed. People rightly "get it" concerning the debt and deficit- it is runaway spending and NOT under taxation that has created the problem. Obama and the Dems apparently either think they can trick people into changing their minds or else are just oblivious to out of touch they are.

Polls still do not support the repeal of DADT. Gitmo is still open. Military trials are still going on. US forces are still in places he said he'd have them out of by now. Iran is going nuke on his watch and he's doing nothing about it.

Unless he really does something substantial in his second term or events carry him somehow... he may not make it through the primary. He has WAY too many failures on his resume.
LG, I'm a pretty typical, middle-of-the-road independent. I will not be voting for Obama, barring something miraculous occurring in the next couple of years. That doesn't mean I will necessarily vote Republican. They'll have to put up someone worthy, and without too big of flaws (I do not heart Huckabee, for example). I've voted independent the previous election, and have no qualms about doing so again. I don't care if people say I'm throwing away my vote. It's mine to toss, and I know full well either party would dig in the garbage for it if they could.
woo woo LG, the economy is improving? maybe i'm missing something here

The economic fundamentals are improving and are likely to continue. To some extent, we are being carried by China and others. Like Clinton, Obama's best shot at two terms is a direct result of the election of a GOP House. They will keep him from doing the kinds of idiotic policies that would assure his defeat.
LG, I'm a pretty typical, middle-of-the-road independent. I will not be voting for Obama, barring something miraculous occurring in the next couple of years. That doesn't mean I will necessarily vote Republican. They'll have to put up someone worthy, and without too big of flaws (I do not heart Huckabee, for example). I've voted independent the previous election, and have no qualms about doing so again. I don't care if people say I'm throwing away my vote. It's mine to toss, and I know full well either party would dig in the garbage for it if they could.

I like Huckabee but do not know about him as Prez. If the nominee is Romney, I vote Libertarian or Constitution Party.

Contrary to popular belief, protest votes do get noticed by both parties. It most definitely cost Gore the election. It probably hurt McCain enough to make it a much closer race in several critical states.
I have less of a problem with Romney than Huckabee. I have no faith (ironically) in Huckabee being the POTUS.
I have less of a problem with Romney than Huckabee. I have no faith (ironically) in Huckabee being the POTUS.

Huckabee holds most of the right positions and hasn't changed them radically for obviously political reasons. Romney assented to homosexual marriage and abortion on demand and created socialized medicine in Mass... then flipped in a blink when he decided to run on the national level.

Regardless of what you favor on those issues, he is not someone you could ever trust. Huckabee is probably the most trustworthy of all those running... My fear is that he would be the Republican version of Carter.
Obviously a Palin nomination would make me anti-Republican for the next 6 years.

I really don't know why that would be. I question her leadership but her positions align pretty much with mainstream, right of center America.
The economic fundamentals are improving and are likely to continue. To some extent, we are being carried by China and others. Like Clinton, Obama's best shot at two terms is a direct result of the election of a GOP House. They will keep him from doing the kinds of idiotic policies that would assure his defeat.

i understand that, but its not drastic improvements
Huckabee holds most of the right positions and hasn't changed them radically for obviously political reasons. Romney assented to homosexual marriage and abortion on demand and created socialized medicine in Mass... then flipped in a blink when he decided to run on the national level.

Regardless of what you favor on those issues, he is not someone you could ever trust. Huckabee is probably the most trustworthy of all those running... My fear is that he would be the Republican version of Carter.

He did what the majority of Massachusetts wanted. I don't have a big problem with that.
I really don't know why that would be. I question her leadership but her positions align pretty much with mainstream, right of center America.

You sound like bizarro-world utgibbs. Mainstream, right-of-center America is awfully schizophrenic...

I don't think America has a "mainstream" any more. It has two divergent "mainstreams," with each mistaking themselves to be a majority. It's a political spectrum rather than political categories, these days (if it were ever really that different).
back to Ron Paul, I'm not going to vote for anybody that was endorsed by David Duke and his merry band of racists.
back to Ron Paul, I'm not going to vote for anybody that was endorsed by David Duke and his merry band of racists.

So if David Duke endorses someone, you won't vote for them on those grounds alone? Interesting.
i understand that, but its not drastic improvements

Not yet but don't hang your hat on the notion that the economy will or won't sink Obama. The gullible herd that swings elections every cycle will give Obama credit if there's an uptick.
He did what the majority of Massachusetts wanted. I don't have a big problem with that.

The office of the President is one that requires strong leadership and often courage. A leader states a vision and convinces people to go along... an untrustworthy manipulator goes with the polls.

A lack of visionary leadership is a huge part of what got us into the mess we're in.

Maybe the public doesn't have the stomach to actually listen anymore. Maybe the majority doesn't want to really think about it. Maybe sound bites and gotchas are the only way to win now... if so, it is more or less pointless to worry about the future or any of this stuff.

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