When you have a month to prepare it makes it much easier. Unless you are delusional and actually think Clemson or NW would do anything in the SEC. Clown.
When you have a month to prepare it makes it much easier. Unless you are delusional and actually think Clemson or NW would do anything in the SEC. Clown.
When you have a month to prepare it makes it much easier. Unless you are delusional and actually think Clemson or NW would do anything in the SEC. Clown.
When you have a month to prepare it makes it much easier. Unless you are delusional and actually think Clemson or NW would do anything in the SEC. Clown.
Stanford and Clemson would both lose 3-4 games a year in the SEC. I'm not saying they would suck but they absolutely wouldn't be considered as good as some people consider them now.
Stanford and Clemson would both lose 3-4 games a year in the SEC. I'm not saying they would suck but they absolutely wouldn't be considered as good as some people consider them now.