I didn't use to care much for Rucker, but there are certain aspects of his style that aren't so bad. He's less seedy than he used to be, IMO. Probably started getting laid on the reg somehow.
I will say that I appreciate his attention to grammar & journalistic style, especially when compared to some of the VQ guys who while good guys & decent reporters seem to have literally never heard of employing a copyeditor to correct their absolutely atrocious grammar. He's from an older journalistic school of thought, one that values objectivity & journalistic professionalism, as opposed to half of the sportswriter hacks out there now who got their start writing blatantly homer-type blurbs for Bleacher Report. I personally value that in a reporter, and I think Wes calls it like he sees it. He's a smart guy, and he knows it, but such is also usually the nature of being a smart guy.
That being said, I'm all for homer content, but I'd prefer that to come from people like Swain or Ainge who actually know what they're talking about.
I also can't highly recommend enough the crew at RTI, who regularly produce both homer and non-homer content. A little something for everyone there.