Per the State Department, The Taliban is a terrorist network and if true, this makes Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. Sending Javelins to the Ukraine in order to help an allied nation repel aggression, is drawing a false equivalency. This marks an escalation of hostilities and a return to Cold War era tactics. It is unacceptable. However, you are missing a more significant point here. Trump continues to demonstrate that he does not care about Russian misconduct. It seems that there is literally nothing which Vladimir Putin can do to fall out of favor with Trump. If intelligence exists which portrays Russia in a negative light, Trump doesn't want to hear it. Since this intelligence was handed to him in the form of a written Presidential daily brief (and whether he read it or not, it was given to him), Trump has continued to lobby for Russia to be allowed back in to the G 7. That is alarming. I do not believe that Trump supporters would have been dismissive of this, if Obama had shown such respect and unconditional affinity for Russia. There has to be a reason why this is happening. Trump's repeated deference to, and defense of Russia is bizarre.