Russia says 60 dead, 145 injured in concert hall raid; Islamic State group claims responsibility

There it is.
Dmitry Medvedev

The bastards from the USA supply missiles with cluster charges to the Banderites and help to guide them to the target. The bastards in Kyiv choose a beach with peaceful people as a target and press the button. Both will burn in hell. I hope, not only in the sacred fire, but even earlier - in the earthly one.

Everything that happened is not a military action, but a vile and vile terrorist attack against our people, committed on an Orthodox holiday. Like the massacre in Dagestan, which was carried out by extremists. Therefore, now all of them - the American authorities, the Banderite regime and crazy fanatics - are no different for us.

My deepest condolences to the families of the victims. A speedy recovery to the wounded.

So looks like the Kyiv regime also sent cluster munitions to a beach near Sevastopol. Not sure what the military significance of beachgoers is, but that's how they operate.
Dmitry Medvedev

The bastards from the USA supply missiles with cluster charges to the Banderites and help to guide them to the target. The bastards in Kyiv choose a beach with peaceful people as a target and press the button. Both will burn in hell. I hope, not only in the sacred fire, but even earlier - in the earthly one.

Everything that happened is not a military action, but a vile and vile terrorist attack against our people, committed on an Orthodox holiday. Like the massacre in Dagestan, which was carried out by extremists. Therefore, now all of them - the American authorities, the Banderite regime and crazy fanatics - are no different for us.

My deepest condolences to the families of the victims. A speedy recovery to the wounded.

Lol, you're parroting one of the dumbest takes on Russia intercepting Ukrainian missiles over a beach in occupied territory.

Kadyrov stated that those who committed the terrorist act in Dagestan "have neither faith nor nationality," they are "inhuman beings who should be destroyed on the spot."

George Galloway just said that it seems strange that there has been an 8 month genocide in Palestine and ISIS and Al Qaeda haven't done as much as break an Israeli window, but they seem to have all kinds of action directed at Russia.
George Galloway just said that it seems strange that there has been an 8 month genocide in Palestine and ISIS and Al Qaeda haven't done as much as break an Israeli window, but they seem to have all kinds of action directed at Russia.
It’s quite simple. Israel has a competent military
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Kadyrov stated that those who committed the terrorist act in Dagestan "have neither faith nor nationality," they are "inhuman beings who should be destroyed on the spot."

View attachment 652217
Lol, pure irony.

“In Chechnya today, we’ve got more women than men, but they all need to find their station in life. Our customs and our religion allow polygamy. On the other hand, if a young [unmarried] woman or a divorced woman is spotted [with a man], then her brother kills her and the man. We have very strict customs. It’s better for a woman to be a second or third wife than to be killed. That’s why I’m certain that we need polygamy today. There’s no such law, but I say to everyone: if you have the desire and the opportunity, you should take a second wife.”
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DDgeopolitics tweet is even more laughable when taken into context of who the person in the photo actually is:
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Dmitry Medvedev

The bastards from the USA supply missiles with cluster charges to the Banderites and help to guide them to the target. The bastards in Kyiv choose a beach with peaceful people as a target and press the button. Both will burn in hell. I hope, not only in the sacred fire, but even earlier - in the earthly one.

Everything that happened is not a military action, but a vile and vile terrorist attack against our people, committed on an Orthodox holiday. Like the massacre in Dagestan, which was carried out by extremists. Therefore, now all of them - the American authorities, the Banderite regime and crazy fanatics - are no different for us.

My deepest condolences to the families of the victims. A speedy recovery to the wounded.

you ever actually going to do research and tell me what Bandera was doing from 1941 to 1944?

the fact that you think using the name of someone who wanted a free Ukraine so much that the Nazis had to lock him away in prison is a slur is just funny.
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Kadyrov stated that those who committed the terrorist act in Dagestan "have neither faith nor nationality," they are "inhuman beings who should be destroyed on the spot."

View attachment 652217
fricking lol coming from a Chechen.

you ever going to connect the dots on how he came to power over his anti-Putin dad?

as always your "critical" thinking only goes one way, and its the way of the state run media.

you realize those guys are already supporting Hamas right? under your logic they have been at war with Israel for a while, and not sure how they could get more involved. they are supplying fighters, weapons, training, info. if you had any intellectual honesty in your body you would be railing against their continued support of the suffering of Gaza.
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you realize those guys are already supporting Hamas right? under your logic they have been at war with Israel for a while, and not sure how they could get more involved. they are supplying fighters, weapons, training, info. if you had any intellectual honesty in your body you would be railing against their continued support of the suffering of Gaza.
I don't see anything showing ISIS and al-Qaeda support hamas, except maybe cheering them. What is a good source showing they materially support hamas?
I don't see anything showing ISIS and al-Qaeda support hamas, except maybe cheering them. What is a good source showing they materially support hamas?

this one may be pay walled, but this article talks about them be financed by the same groups, and use the same networks that at least Al-Qaeda uses.
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Thanks. Having the same sponsors isn't one sponsoring the other but I'll read the article.
if the people behind these groups are common, and one of the groups is already doing something, the supporters don't need a second group to get involved to be involved.

and if they are taking money, weapons, fighters, from the same limited source, I would argue that Hamas doesn't need to receive the weapons from Al Qaeda directly to be supported by them if they share a common backer.

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