Russia to ditch the dollar in its National Wealth Fund

Well if we were ever to go to war with Russia, this would be the trigger.
This is bad in more than one way. We should be making common cause with the Russians to deal with the Dog Eaters
Putin chafes at US, criticizes response to Capitol attack

Putin chafes at US, criticizes response to Capitol attack

The U.S. has strongly opposed construction of the Russian pipeline, but the Biden administration opted last month not to punish the German company overseeing the project while announcing new sanctions against Russian companies and ships. The Kremlin has hailed it as a “positive signal” before the Putin-Biden summit.

The Russian leader hailed the project as more economically feasible than an existing pipeline via Ukraine, rejecting Ukrainian and Western criticism that it's designed to rob Kyiv of transit fees.

Wait, so what if it is designed to cut Ukraine off from transit fees? Russia doesn't owe them transit fees. Or, is this really about Ukraine's inability to skim like they used to?
Wait, so what if it is designed to cut Ukraine off from transit fees? Russia doesn't owe them transit fees. Or, is this really about Ukraine's inability to skim like they used to?

I asked myself that very question and we have to look at it from the point of view of the writer. Was there a motive in choosing that wording.

However, I found the article more objective than one filled with adjectives and colorful language.
I think you misunderstood parts of the article.
More pointing out the hypocrisy. When I need a political dissident to disappear I will go to Putin.

Hes the same two face he, rightly, accuses our politicians of being.
More pointing out the hypocrisy. When I need a political dissident to disappear I will go to Putin.

Hes the same two face he, rightly, accuses our politicians of being.

Maybe we need to look in the mirror as well. He is right the hypocrisy in billions of dollars in destruction and threats against Rand Paul and other Americans in the name of peaceful protests and social justice. Almost nothing done. The progressive media, politicians and marxist sympathizing citizens covering for them.

Then, on Jan 6 a large group of protestors get out of control and storm the capital like idiots which leads to an unarmed civilain getting executed and they are yet to the identity of the shooter, and the FBI is raiding people homes (in some cases the wrong people) and exceeding the punishment for the charges.

I'm not defending Putin, but he see the unequal treatment and is basically laughing at us trying to tell him what to do.

So, maybe we should be concerned about equal justice or protection under the law.

Putin is also very savvy. He knows he's about to meet with a man whose record is unimpressive as a politician, who is being fed what to say, and who has questionable stamina and mental fitness for the job. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get full coverage and conferences over here to protect Iron Fist Jo from embarrassment. America's continued propaganda campaign for it's low info voting base.
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Imagine being so butt hurt about Biden that you're taking investment tips from the Russian government.

Why not just buy rubles?

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