Russia to ditch the dollar in its National Wealth Fund

Maybe we need to look in the mirror as well. He is right the hypocrisy in billions of dollars in destruction and threats against Rand Paul and other Americans in the name of peaceful protests and social justice. Almost nothing done. The progressive media, politicians and marxist sympathizing citizens covering for them.

Then, on Jan 6 a large group of protestors get out of control and storm the capital like idiots which leads to an unarmed civilain getting executed and they are yet to the identity of the shooter, and the FBI is raiding people homes (in some cases the wrong people) and exceeding the punishment for the charges.

I'm not defending Putin, but he see the unequal treatment and is basically laughing at us trying to tell him what to do.

So, maybe we should be concerned about equal justice or protection under the law.

Putin is also very savvy. He knows he's about to meet with a man whose record is unimpressive as a politician, who is being fed what to say, and who has questionable stamina and mental fitness for the job. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get full coverage and conferences over here to protect Iron Fist Jo from embarrassment. America's continued propaganda campaign for it's low info voting base.
I agree we are bad. I just dont listen to the other snake oils salesman when considering the snake oil I already have.
Imagine being so butt hurt about Biden that you're taking investment tips from the Russian government.

Why not just buy rubles?
Something about a Broke clock.

Also Putin is of sound (in a Bond villian type of way) mind and knows how to get rich. There is worse advice out there on how to get rich.
Imagine being so butt hurt about Biden that you're taking investment tips from the Russian government.

Why not just buy rubles?

Why are you so butthurt over another country dumping dollars? The way we're printing money it's a smart move on their part.

Would you keep investing in a company run by idiots assuming record levels of debt?
I am continually amazed at conservative Republicans’ awe, reverence, and adoration for a former KGB autocratic murderer and a two-bit economic power that unfortunately possesses nuclear weapons and in its former incarnation as the USSR was the sworn enemy of the US.

I didn’t like and didn’t trust the russians in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00’s, and nothing has changed my mind.

Please carry on with the love-fest.
I am continually amazed at conservative Republicans’ awe, reverence, and adoration for a former KGB autocratic murderer and a two-bit economic power that unfortunately possesses nuclear weapons and in its former incarnation as the USSR was the sworn enemy of the US.

I didn’t like and didn’t trust the russians in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00’s, and nothing has changed my mind.

Please carry on with the love-fest.

Who is showing "awe, reverence and adoration" to Putin?
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Who is showing "awe, reverence and adoration" to Putin?

This is how progressives twist everything. An idiotic accusation because they can defend ideas. Why do you think they call people nationalists and supremists if you want to tighten laws to make sure everyone that votes supposed to vote?

Also, notice they've moved the needle to include nationalists now instead of just white supremists. They were losing that argument and looking silly. I have no idea what nationalism has to do with minimizing voting irregularities. But this is a way for them to include more whites, and black conservatives as bad people.
This is how progressives twist everything. An idiotic accusation because they can defend ideas. Why do you think they call people nationalists and supremists if you want to tighten laws to make sure everyone that votes supposed to vote?

Also, notice they've moved the needle to include nationalists now instead of just white supremists. They were losing that argument and looking silly. I have no idea what nationalism has to do with minimizing voting irregularities. But this is a way for them to include more whites, and black conservatives as bad people.

And that is a fantastic example of a Gish Gallop. I called no one a nationalist or a supremacist. I never mentioned voting rights. I will admit that a GG does effectively shift the debate topic.

Fascinating over here. I'll just see y'all on the FF, where we can all at least agree that uga sucks.
And that is a fantastic example of a Gish Gallop. I called no one a nationalist or a supremacist. I never mentioned voting rights. I will admit that a GG does effectively shift the debate topic.

Fascinating over here. I'll just see y'all on the FF, where we can all at least agree that uga sucks.

My point is Putin is saying get your own house in order before you talk to me about a double standard. He is right as a lot of people have mentioned the different standard of justice and law enforcement based on political gain. The standard used to be more universal between the parties but democrats have weaponized it as a devisive too for votes. It has nothing to do with reverence for Putin as much as he sees the idiots on this side of the pond.
My point is Putin is saying get your own house in order before you talk to me about a double standard. He is right as a lot of people have mentioned the different standard of justice and law enforcement based on political gain. The standard used to be more universal between the parties but democrats have weaponized it as a devisive too for votes. It has nothing to do with reverence for Putin as much as he sees the idiots on this side of the pond.

That's where we differ. I could give a rat's %$$ what putin says or thinks about anything, except to the extent that he is planning to cause the harm and/or murder even more people, then he needs to be reined in. I don't care what he thinks about Trump, I don't care what he thinks about Biden. He is a cold blooded murderer who rose to power by stealing anything he wanted and killing anyone in his way.

John McCain was dead on correct about putin.
That's where we differ. I could give a rat's %$$ what putin says or thinks about anything, except to the extent that he is planning to cause the harm and/or murder even more people, then he needs to be reined in. I don't care what he thinks about Trump, I don't care what he thinks about Biden. He is a cold blooded murderer who rose to power by stealing anything he wanted and killing anyone in his way.

John McCain was dead on correct about putin.

Putin is a tyrant there is no question about that but you can't ignore him.
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All Putin has to do is stop the flow of gas in the winter and western Europe will hand Ukraine over to him on a silver platter.
And it doesn't even have to be this way. Europe and Russia could be working together harmoniously engaging in mutually beneficial commerce instead of staging for war.
Russia doesn't really care if Europe threatens to cut off the pipeline, they know Europe will freeze without gas and whatever the Euros won't buy the Chinese gladly will. The West has zero strings to pull regarding Ukraine short of going to war. If Putin wants Ukraine he'll get it and we'll sit on the sidelines and watch.
Yep, get rid of Putin.

@Rasputin_Vol probably


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