Russian Meddling - 2024 Edition


brought to you by the very people that pushed a PeeTapeand called Hunters laptop a lie..

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I wonder if the indicted Russian/s will call the corrupt DoJ's bluff and show up to court like they did in the Russia bot farm case from 2016? Caught the DoJ with their pants down.

This is nothing more than a lame stunt by our corrupt Federal Govt to circumvent free speech laws. Just like they did with social media during Covid and 2020 election.

The Left hates all speech that isnt part of the leftist narrative and the Right hates all speech that criticizes Israel.

Our Govt was subverted long ago by outside interests who wanted to destroy America, as Joe McCarthy evidenced. The problem wasnt that McCarthy was wrong but that even he didnt know the full extent to how right he was.
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The countries which are fully in whether they want to be or not have no choice but to work for the State Actor generally talking Europe and others. The other countries including Russia, China, and most of the East would most likely want a Trump win as they probably tired of trying to even deal with the people behind the curtain.

Kamala is a nobody just like Biden is a nobody.

This is just a repeat of all the other nonsense we've seen over the last 10+ years. Someone is going to have to come up with another gag.

You're gonna make TN Ribs head hurt. it's too much thought and facts. It's not gonna make him feel good. it's hard to think, right ribs?
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The fbi has a history of foreign spies in the bureau. AND john brennan:
Brennan voted for Gus Hall, the presidential candidate for the Communist Party USA, in 1976.

“I said I was neither Democratic or Republican, but it was my way, as I was going to college, of signaling my unhappiness with the system, and the need for change,” he said. “I said I’m not a member of the Communist Party, so the polygrapher looked at me and said, ‘OK,’ and when I was finished with the polygraph and I left and said, ‘Well, I’m screwed.'”

To his surprise, the CIA admitted Brennan.
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