Rutgers 2020 QB?

We aren’t beating Florida with Guarantano unless he improves, and he hasn’t shown he can in 3 years. It’s probably best for both him and the vols

Is this similar to we will not beat (insert the last what it is 5 or 6 teams of the year) with JG?
I don't think many in the fan base hate him but hate that he hasn't progressed as hoped. I think there are a lot of fans like myself who are ready to take the next step at QB. With JG at the helm again next year, its likely more of the same as this year. And if that's the case, why not take the good with the bad as you build up your young QBs. Therefore, might be in the best interest of all if he were to transfer

I totally agree, and I am not a hater of jg. I don't like his qb play, but have never been a hater.
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Maybe scumbag is extreme but man how can you feel that way about a player that's given his all for this program? I get it, he's hindered us in a lot of games, but he's also helped us win as many games as we did. I hope JG does what he thinks is best for him, it's that simple.
I agree 100%
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You’re entitled to your opinion of course... but can you explain the wisdom of it? Guys get beat out for starting jobs all the time. Why is the bench not enough? Why do we need JG to leave the program?

Sure, I'll explain my disagreement. First, as a point of reference your original post read ...

"He’s never been as good as we wanted him to be, but people are completely nuts if they think the roster gets better "when a 5th year Senior QB transfers. It’s the height of fan stupidity."

First, you said it yourself ... "He’s never been as good as we wanted him to be". There is no reason, after 3 years, to think that he can improve to the point of becoming a top level SEC QB which this team needs in order to step up to the next level. It's time to move on to another QB and we have plenty of viable possibilities (see below).

Second, JG will only be a distraction and a potential source of player dissension with pro and anti-pro JG supporters (however, I would be surprised by any player dissension). Besides, I think JG would benefit from a fresh start at another school just like Peterman did at Pittsburgh.

Third, I strongly disagree that those that disagree with your views are "nuts" or even worse "stupid".

Now, the remaining QB's and their strengths and why JG might not be needed.

Kasim Hill started 10 games at Maryland before he suffered an ACL and he was 4 star out of high school so he has some potential.

Brian Maurer showed glimpses of brilliance this year. The team seemed more motivated and moved the ball when BM was inserted into the game. Unfortunately, it seemed like every time Brian got going this year he got injured or was pulled after a bad series. The staff had Brian on a very short leash this year and had he been given more time to work through his youthfulness JG might not have been needed this year.

JT Shrout. Hmmm ... he has a great arm but I just don't know.

Jimmy Holiday might be a sleeper for the QB position. He certainly gives us a great RPO QB which seems to be the way college football is and has been heading.

And finally, Harrison Bailey. THIS. HB will be the starting QB from Day 1 next year and absent an injury he will play the entire year and beyond. Book it. He is the caliber of past freshman QB's like David Greene, Jacob Eason, Jake Bentley, Jake Fromm and the best, Peyton Manning all whom started early.

In summary, IMO the roster isn't improved or seriously hampered by JG's presence on the team. If he leaves, however, I think he will be better appreciated somewhere else and we will have another scholarship available.

Now it's your turn. In your opinion does JG improve our roster next year and secondly, why am I and others that might agree with me nuts or stuprid?
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I don't think many in the fan base hate him but hate that he hasn't progressed as hoped. I think there are a lot of fans like myself who are ready to take the next step at QB. With JG at the helm again next year, its likely more of the same as this year. And if that's the case, why not take the good with the bad as you build up your young QBs. Therefore, might be in the best interest of all if he were to transfer

I honestly believe the coaches were ready to commit to Maurer until he got concussed against MSU. I don’t think it would have been much of a step up in terms of quarterback play, just more of the same highs and lows as JG, but with an eye toward the future.

I agree I think this QB competition should be wide open with HB and the transfer from Maryland there to add depth and push these guys in the spring.
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He has to look out for himself at this point. If he does get beat out here that could be the end of his playing career vs a school like Rutgers where he is almost guaranteed to be the starter.
He's almost guaranteed the starting position at UT too.
If he transfers, won't he have to sit for a year before becoming eligible? I don't think he would qualify for a hardship exception, and he wouldn't qualify as a grad transfer. Right?

He will qualify as a grad transfer if he were to transfer.
I respect the kid, probably one of the toughest qbs we've had. I haven't doubted his heart for Tennessee, or giving his all. That said, outside of a few games, he's been a liability at qb. If he didn't get it by this year, he won't be any different next year. If he's here, I'll hope for the best. If he leaves, I'll wish him the best.
I agree! This young man has taken some hits that most normal players don’t get up from. For what ever reason, JG is hesitant or unsure and he either holds the ball too long or is late on open throws. Wish him the best whatever his decision!
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I honestly believe the coaches were ready to commit to Maurer until he got concussed against MSU. I don’t think it would have been much of a step up in terms of quarterback play, just more of the same highs and lows as JG, but with an eye toward the future.

I agree I think this QB competition should be wide open with HB and the transfer for Maryland there to add depth and push these guys in the spring.

Why is no one talking about Holiday, amazing speed, don't know about his passing, but very fast. And duel threat qb is the hardest to defend. I just want open competition and give everyone a fair chance, in practice as well as in the game.
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I think he could go to Rutgers and do well. The overall competition he faces will be easier though he has struggled against several non P5 programs while here.
Other than the fact that they are probably the worst D1 team in the country and don't have a shot at success next year. I doubt that he wants to become the battering ram for the worst team in the country.
I agree. He’s never been as good as we wanted him to be, but people are completely nuts if they think the roster gets better when a 5th year Senior QB transfers. It’s the height of fan stupidity.
No. We can always one-up ourselves. Believe that. 🥴
Is this similar to we will not beat (insert the last what it is 5 or 6 teams of the year) with JG?
No, none of those teams were ranked. Explain to me how we beat a good team with mediocre to bad qb play. If you can, then I will gladly be all for JG starting again next season!
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Right now none of our QB’s are better. I can only hope the redshirt transfer is good. As a freshmen Bailey will struggle.

Maurer did much better against Ga...a very good defensive team than jg did against Ind. And that was with very limited practice time, only 1 week versus jg 3 years. Yes Maurer will make mistakes just as jg makes mistakes, but we will score more with maurer or shrout as qb. We don't know what maurer or shrout or any of the others can do till they have practiced with the ones and are put in the game. I realize maurer wil throw more int. than jg, but will also score a lot more. Maurer played against ga, bama, two very good teams. ky after he had been out for 3 weeks, miss st. he played well especially for a freshmen, all he needs is game time expierence. And against Ind. we moved the ball and got a jg with only 1 series played. Pretty good to me, jg only had 2 fg in 2 and a half qts. And what most have to understand is a freshmen will just get better, and is even better now, when you look at points scored by ut.
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I agree. He’s never been as good as we wanted him to be, but people are completely nuts if they think the roster gets better when a 5th year Senior QB transfers. It’s the height of fan stupidity.
It’s because he plays so bad at times that everyone thinks there has to be someone who can do better than him. Then Maurer comes in and starts throwing into triple coverage and everyone is left scratching their head lol. I trust the coaches to choose who the best qb is and all, but I don’t want them to put in Guarantano over HB just because of experience. We are basically accepting mediocre qb play at that point.
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secondly, why am I and others that might agree with me nuts or stuprid?

uhhhh...don’t believe you are stuprid at all. But if JG is still here and isn’t the starter I’ll swallow a couple of those white turds dropped in the DW thread. Meanwhile, maybe stick to teeball and martinis?
JG isnt dumb. In my OPINION (i make a living reading verbal and non verbal signs in people) that said this is my opinion again. I believe JG is a me first player who is smart enough to garner positive attention thru the media. I saw the game and watched his face on the sideline...his face was always emotion...typically one would show disappointment or an overabundance (forced) of support....again this is my Opinion. I have other reason to believe he is disingenuous... so flame away. I hope the man success wherever he goes. But for TN to take the next step it should be without JG

He's stoic in his expression, always has been. He's had more hits than Elvis and is tougher than probably anyone on this site, excepting JJ, if he's on this site. Some qbs are just built that way: some coaches like that in a qb. Ice.
That trait doesn't make him the right qb for every team.
I won’t go that far, but I do think it’s a really bad look to be so willing to just discard a player.
If he enters the transfer portal, then he is choosing to leave. Nobody is discarding him. Having said that, I hope he enters the transfer portal. He’s not an SEC level QB, and the quicker the program moves on from him the better.

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