I feel there is little to recommend this budget.
The Path to Prosperity is aptly named, although completely Orwellian. It's a recipe to ensure a further redistribution of wealth from the poor and middle classes to the upper strata of elite American economic power.
1. The Medicare "debate" (it's not really a debate), as we've shown ad infinitum at this point, is a non-starter. Health care costs are one of the two major issues we must confront. Until we address the fact that health care is not a market, and private health care has no incentive for efficiency, it is simple political nonsense. This says nothing about the ridiculousness of seniors having to purchase insurance at 65+ (simply more proof health care is not a market).
2. The second item is the Keynesian corporate-military expenditures, both for defense and war. The Gates proposals are, frankly, ridiculously tiny. I would go further and lump law enforcement, prison, judiciary expenditures here as well. A major rollback is required, not just in defense, but war expenditures. The fact that Ryan is rolling out in agreement Gate's proposal is proof positive it is political nonsense.
3. Tax reform is, of course, doublespeak for wealth redistribution (upwards). Taxes should be raised to the pre-Reagan levels (if we were serious), and the reform of "consolidating brackets" has nothing to do with what we all want, a Simple, Transparent, and Progressive tax code.
In short, there is almost nothing to recommend this budget. It is clearly a political exercise, and it is clearly unserious. This is American politics (sic) at its very worst, I'm afraid.