S. Alabama looked really good against W. Kentucky

It seems plausible that we do benefit, in some way, from the Oregon catastrophe (which was expected by most).

UF will probably not overlook UT. However, after last year's UF v. UT game and last weeks loss at Oregon, I think it's very possible that Florida is not taking the Vols as seriously as they should.

Maybe they will be over confident and maybe our Vols have a good week of preperation. It's hard to imagine the Gators not taking UT as a legitimate threat, but, due to recent history, that may be something that just might happen.

I know UT is not in shape to be any type of title contender right now, but I do believe we are not as bad as Oregon made us seem.

If these things are accurate, then the UF v. UT game might be a more intriguing match-up.

Go Vols!!!
this is the scariest thread title i have seen in awhile. remember what happened last year when we beat the "talented" NC State? maybe, maybe we just arent very good? just sayin
South Alanama sucks like WKU sucks. We're mediocre. Mediocre beats sucks.
South Alanama sucks like WKU sucks. We're mediocre. Mediocre beats sucks.
I'm pretty sure every single team on the rest of our schedule has now been mentioned as a potential L. Things are being blown out of proportion, even if we are as bad as we looked vs Oregon we will still be only 5-7 at worst, maybe 4-8.
It's just our fans really....Everyone else in the nation still has us bowling (even ESPN). Everyone I've talked to from all over says the vols aren't nearly as bad as they looked, Oregon's offense was just completely out of control. Probably one of the most explosive offenses in the history of football.

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