If Dooley disses AA because he wants a downgrade the position in favor of his La Tech guy, I will be even more p!ssed than I was about his hiring an MTSU/Memphis position coach (Hinshaw). WTF is wrong with this picture? Dooley DID NOT get hired because we want him to replicate La. Tech's splendid record of 4-8 last season. I hope Hamilton gets that across to him, somehow.
It's one thing if you have a proven winning program like Boise State or Utah...but damn, do we really want to embrace a staff retooling with La. Tech guys? I wasn't happy with Dooley's hiring in the first place, and his hiring all these no-name buds of his is driving the dagger in that much deeper. I wasn't in favor of Kiffin being hired over the same candidates (Wittingham, Peterson, etc), last year...but at least he started to impress with most of the staff he brought in. So far, the only impressive move Dooley has made is Charlie Bagget (WR coach), and I'm not sure that wasn't Chaney's working.
If it's Moffit, I can understand the move...but not ditching a Moffit disciple and UT alum for his La. Tech buddy