Salman Rushdie is on a Ventilator, Cannot Speak, will likely Lose An Eye, his Arm Nerves are Severed and his Liver Damaged: Cops raid New Jersey home of suspect, 24, 'with sympathies toward Iranian government' who stabbed author up to 15 times
Salman Rushdie is on a ventilator, cannot speak, and will likely lose an eye, after being stabbed up to 15 times on Friday by a suspect police have identified as a man from
New Jersey 'with sympathies toward the Iranian government.'
Authorities descended on the Fairview, New Jersey home of 24-year-old Hadi Matar hours after he allegedly attacked Rushdie onstage at a literary event in upstate New York.
Salman Rushdie, 75, was attacked by a Hadi Matar, pictured with Sheriff's deputies, who approached him from behind before stabbing him multiple times. The suspect was quickly pinned to the floor before being arrested
Salman Rushdie is on a ventilator, cannot speak, will likely lose an eye, after being stabbed | Daily Mail Online