Salute to UT fans that Attended Game



Senior Member
Oct 16, 2005
:salute: Saw you and heard you on the tube. You are true fans. Wish I had been there despite the whipping (had to work). Have a safe trip home and thanks for supporting the team. Hopefully better days will come.
I was there. (Still in Tulsa.)

It sucked. I stayed till the end too. I was frustrated at the Vols that left early, but I can understand them leaving. It was COLD and with several minutes left, it was obvious that things weren't going to go well for the Vols.

The most frustrating thing was two Vols that had made a bet with their Arkansas friends that had to put on Arkansas sweatshirts over their UT gear before they left the stadium. The Hogs in our section LOVED that.
There were 38 band members and only 7 cheerleaders.

We played like we left half the football team at home too.

A very frustrating night. :cray:

We might have well left our wide receivers at home for the first quarter. I don't think any of them had a catch our first three possessions.
All Volunteers who attended the Ark game should be awarded the BIG ORANGE badge of courage.
I'm been on road trips before to venues where I knew the Vols were not liked but......
I was ill-prepared for the unwelcome we received in Fayetteville.
Driving up from Ft. Smith, every UA car passing me, jeered, thumbs down, in your face, and even a bunch of UP-YOURS!!!
I am a mom and was accompanied by my high school senior son. He really wanted to see the campus and was considering applying.
up until yesterday, I would have let him.
Believe me, it went down hill from there.
I see now, why there were so few VOLS.
Everyone sold their tickets to Hog Fans at an obscene profit and stayed home in the genteel south.
I was there. (Still in Tulsa.)

It sucked. I stayed till the end too. I was frustrated at the Vols that left early, but I can understand them leaving. It was COLD and with several minutes left, it was obvious that things weren't going to go well for the Vols.

The most frustrating thing was two Vols that had made a bet with their Arkansas friends that had to put on Arkansas sweatshirts over their UT gear before they left the stadium. The Hogs in our section LOVED that.

Mrs Fulmer, I thought the coaches' s
wives sat in the warm press box.:)

(Just kidding 02)
As a Fort Smith resident and Hog for life, I feel I must apologize for the fans last night. I highly respect anyone who drives for hours just to see their team play, but it seems that I was in the minority last night. It shouldn't be so, but the college kids and fans seem to get a little out of hand in the evening games. During SEMO and Ole Miss (our two last home games) I saw nothing but friendly teasing to visiting fans, but last night I was taken aback. I waved at every Tennessee fan I saw on I-540, and most Vol drivers looked like they were scared for their lives.

I hope that you don't see this as an indication on how things really are over here. To all who came, please come to Fayetteville next time we play, and I'll personally kick the ass of anyone who gives you a nasty time.

And yes, I am spying over here. Just seeing what you all had to say about last night. I hope Ainge recovers quickly, and you have a great rest of the season.
As a Fort Smith resident and Hog for life, I feel I must apologize for the fans last night. I highly respect anyone who drives for hours just to see their team play, but it seems that I was in the minority last night. It shouldn't be so, but the college kids and fans seem to get a little out of hand in the evening games. During SEMO and Ole Miss (our two last home games) I saw nothing but friendly teasing to visiting fans, but last night I was taken aback. I waved at every Tennessee fan I saw on I-540, and most Vol drivers looked like they were scared for their lives.

I hope that you don't see this as an indication on how things really are over here. To all who came, please come to Fayetteville next time we play, and I'll personally kick the ass of anyone who gives you a nasty time.

And yes, I am spying over here. Just seeing what you all had to say about last night. I hope Ainge recovers quickly, and you have a great rest of the season.
Class post. You're wlcome back here anytime.:eek:k:
As a Fort Smith resident and Hog for life, I feel I must apologize for the fans last night. I highly respect anyone who drives for hours just to see their team play, but it seems that I was in the minority last night. It shouldn't be so, but the college kids and fans seem to get a little out of hand in the evening games. During SEMO and Ole Miss (our two last home games) I saw nothing but friendly teasing to visiting fans, but last night I was taken aback. I waved at every Tennessee fan I saw on I-540, and most Vol drivers looked like they were scared for their lives.

I hope that you don't see this as an indication on how things really are over here. To all who came, please come to Fayetteville next time we play, and I'll personally kick the ass of anyone who gives you a nasty time.

And yes, I am spying over here. Just seeing what you all had to say about last night. I hope Ainge recovers quickly, and you have a great rest of the season.

It is funny (but kind of not) that you brought this up. Arkansas was the 6th SEC stadium I have visited and by far the most obnoxious, arrogant and rude fans I have encountered. I know not all are like this (such as yourself) and I did get a handshake and a "Good luck" before the game as well as a "Drive safely" after the game but those two were the only highlights of the niceness. Other than those two instances, it was crude in your face yelling and/or taunting before, during and after the game. I was very disappointed yet glad to see there are some like you out there. Thank you for your post, however I will still think twice before heading back to Fayetteville.

Good luck to you the rest of the season. You have a very good team.

As for the UT fans that went, it seemed like the smallest traveling crowd I have seen. I was with my 5 family members and 4 of them sat up top, while my brother and I in the last row on the bottom section. Seemed very sparse down low (above the band). The band also needs to turn around occasionally for away games. Most times the fans are behind them or above them on the upper decks (South Carolina) and can't hear them at all. We just have to look at the shakers of the fans next to the band and go with it. :dunno:
overall i really enjoyed the trip...most of the ua fans i interacted with were pleasant...cant believe the restrooms in that stadium!! one door in/out and only 3 urinals...incredible lines...ok, i'll let it go..sorry for the rant....ainge, get well soon....mcfadden for president.
overall i really enjoyed the trip...most of the ua fans i interacted with were pleasant...cant believe the restrooms in that stadium!! one door in/out and only 3 urinals...incredible lines...ok, i'll let it go..sorry for the rant....ainge, get well soon....mcfadden for president.

What bathrooms did you use? Lol
although it seems like payback that the men's lines were so long, but they were. and that was before the game had even started.
also, one in my party went to get some food.
He returned 30 minutes later to say that they had run out.
I would imagine that their joy on first downs must have come from years past but after a while when it was our turn we just had to chime in....
"that's another Volunteer FIRST DOWN!"
It was fun for a little while and I do mean little.
on ROCKY TOP we like to cheer for POINTS.
note to the nation...they cheer on first downs -complete with the words on the jumbotron.
As a Fort Smith resident and Hog for life, I feel I must apologize for the fans last night. I highly respect anyone who drives for hours just to see their team play, but it seems that I was in the minority last night. It shouldn't be so, but the college kids and fans seem to get a little out of hand in the evening games. During SEMO and Ole Miss (our two last home games) I saw nothing but friendly teasing to visiting fans, but last night I was taken aback. I waved at every Tennessee fan I saw on I-540, and most Vol drivers looked like they were scared for their lives.

I hope that you don't see this as an indication on how things really are over here. To all who came, please come to Fayetteville next time we play, and I'll personally kick the ass of anyone who gives you a nasty time.

And yes, I am spying over here. Just seeing what you all had to say about last night. I hope Ainge recovers quickly, and you have a great rest of the season.

Driving in from Tulsa, we only had one young guy in a truck with his buddies give us the ole one finger salute, and that was as we were getting ready to turn into Smokey Bones.

Aside from just the little annoying comments "Jailbird comes back for them after halftime" and stuff like that, there wasn't anything for you or anyone else to appoligize for. :eek:k:
wow. all i got to say is saturday night at the game none of the razorback fans could give any respect to any of the vols fans, but maybe that is just ark football. strongly ashamed never go back to fayetteville. mark my word worst expirence ever!
wow. all i got to say is saturday night at the game none of the razorback fans could give any respect to any of the vols fans, but maybe that is just ark football. strongly ashamed never go back to fayetteville. mark my word worst expirence ever!

After the way our team represented us as fans, I didn't expect any respect after the game. :no:
I just got in from driving back from Clarksville, Arkansas, where we stayed the night last night after the game. Took forever.

1st, I wasn't really happy with the traffic situation on gameday. One way in, one way out...we had to sit around for 2 hours before we sat in traffic for 45min. just to get to the interstate.

2nd, lots of fans that think they're hot **** even though they're in the middle of ONE good year in a while. Also, since when did bringing up OTHER losses have anything to do with the game that day? We had to listen to some idiot (who obviously did not attend ANY university) all the way back bringing up our other losses to LSU and

Next, not much usage of proper grammar or rational thought. I saw a lot of shirts that said "How bad do you want it?" Which implys that they're asking how awful should their performance be...I think they should have gone with badly. More, there was a guy right infront of us with signs about how UT grads call Hog grads "boss" and how we end up in trailer parks. These were interesting comments from a guy in Arkansas which really had NOTHING AT ALL to do with the game. Gotta love how they think that they're something better than the rest of the South.

The roads in Arkansas are awful. Enough said.

As far as the game is concerned, I thought that a complete lack of execution to begin and drive kept us from really having any shot and throwing downfield and taking chances. Crompton looked VERY uncomfortable in the pocket, and often left it when he didn't have to. Dumping it off to the safety valve over and over did not help the situation.

Last, and most important, I was HIGHLY HIGHLY disappointed in all the Arkansas fans in the FIRST AND SECOND ROWS of the UT student section. I made the drive out there, along with about 10 of my friends, to watch the game. Many other ******* students stayed at home and sold their tickets off for God-knows-how-much of a profit. That is crap. Make the trip or leave the tickets for someone else to buy. There is no excuse for Arkansas fans all around my seats. I'm not sure what kind of student fans we've got here in Knoxville...but my guess is a lot of them are completely fair-weather. We'll see at the kentucky game, I guess.

Oh, also, I wasn't happy with the VOL fan in front of me who was constantly trying to get in a fight. Not Cool. :mad: And also, neither is putting a school that far in the middle of nothing.
What the heck are you talking about in the last part of your comment, "neither is putting a school that far in the middle of nothing"
I drove up to the game with my brother, and I will agree with many on here that Arkansas fans are by far the most obnoxious opposing fans I have ever witnessed.

I will be the first to tell you that good natured ribbing is a part of the game. But we had Arkansas fans literally get up in our faces and scream at us, telling us to "Get Out!" It was pretty ridiculous.
More, there was a guy right infront of us with signs about how UT grads call Hog grads "boss" and how we end up in trailer parks. These were interesting comments from a guy in Arkansas which really had NOTHING AT ALL to do with the game. Gotta love how they think that they're something better than the rest of the South.

This is funny because during the game, some smart Arkansas fan randomly yells, "Hey Tennessee, can you say Shreveport, Alabama?"
A Vol fan then replied "It's Shreveport, Louisiana, you "bleeping" idiot!"
Thought that was pretty funny.

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