Saudi Officials Funded the 9/11 Terrorists?

Can't believe that we're 19 years out, but this is still under investigation and subject to a huge 9/11 victims' lawsuit.

"Apparently, in a court filing earlier this year, the FBI disclosed that a Saudi Diplomat, al-Jarrah, who was assigned to the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C., was one of a handful of Saudi officials who provided money, lodging and other help during the summer of 2001 to the 9/11 jihadists before they crashed hijacked commercial jetliners into the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, the Pentagon and a farm field in Pennsylvania. It was the first time that al-Jarrah had been linked to the 9/11 plot in any way. Left unresolved was whether al-Jarrah's visit to the mosque in Jersey City with a $1 million donation was linked to 9/11."

Naturally, Trump is doing his best to squash the victims' lawsuit, because... well, I'm sure a Trumpster here will defend his shenanigans.

"The Trump administration stepped up efforts to block the 9/11 families from gaining access to secret FBI and CIA investigations about possible Saudi links to 9/11. "

The Saudis are not our friends. They're a puppet Kingdom ruled by a murderous Autocrat. Given our oil independence, the murder of the WaPO journalist Khashoggi, the Saudi support of terrorists, etc., wtf are we still in bed with these guys.

Why a visit by a Saudi official to New Jersey is now part of the 9/11 investigation



Trump already bowed down after being paid for.
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Never mind Clinton had 2 opportunities to take out Bin Laden and pussed out. He was too busy staining a blue dress.
Flurry Of Calls Among Saudi Diplo Staff And Spy Coincided With 9/11 Hijackers' Arrival | ZeroHedge

FBI agents investigating Saudi ties to 9/11 discovered a troubling set of phone calls among Saudi embassy and consulate officials, an extremist American cleric and a Saudi agent in San Diego—calls that took place in the weeks leading up to the first two hijackers’ arrival in Los Angeles and while they were settling in.

The timing raises suspicions of a premeditated scheme to shepherd the hijackers into American life—and some of the call participants personally did just that.
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