
I've been looking for the angles on this fervor, because you know politicians/special interests are gonna capitalize on it (and may even be the source of the misinformation) and I've had a few theories, but I just discovered a new one....Snowden was on Rogan today. Rogan brought up how the PATRIOT Act was propaganda intended to manipulate us into giving up privacy. Snowden responded by talking about how lawmakers are currently trying to ban end-to-end messaging encryption under the guise of a bill intended to stop child pornography.

#savethechildren but don't give up our privacy
Sounds like the false narrative that blacks are being hunted down or targeted by police. Look up the stats on unarmed blacks killed by police and compare it to the narrative portrayed by the media and gullible folks on Twitter. Talk about fear monger info and misguided policies...take a good look around the country.

Exactly. 115 is 12 times the amount of unarmed blacks killed, yet cities were burned down for that. #Savethechildren sounds like an under reaction if that is the standard we have set.
Exactly. 115 is 12 times the amount of unarmed blacks killed, yet cities were burned down for that. #Savethechildren sounds like an under reaction if that is the standard we have set.

We have way too many threads about that topic, as it is...
Whose hypocrisy?

That you are insinuating that 115 is not a big enough number to have caused such fervor, yet under 10 unarmed black men killed by police is. I may misremember some of your previous posts. My apologies if so.
That you are insinuating that 115 is not a big enough number to have caused such fervor, yet under 10 unarmed black men killed by police is. I may misremember some of your previous posts. My apologies if so.

I definitely have not made a serious comment exaggerating the number of unarmed blacks being killed by cops. I do make a habit of denouncing brutality, which is far too common.

The natures of the problems are vastly different. There is actually a really easy solution to improving race relations with cops. End the war on drugs. Stop doing something. Government can accomplish that. The other problem...stop child trafficking...no easy solutions there, and it requires action, not inaction. Idk what to do about this issue that we're not already doing. I spend my time trying to nudge people towards ideas that I think can make a difference. If I focus on child trafficking, all I'm doing is scaring people
I've been looking for the angles on this fervor, because you know politicians/special interests are gonna capitalize on it (and may even be the source of the misinformation) and I've had a few theories, but I just discovered a new one....Snowden was on Rogan today. Rogan brought up how the PATRIOT Act was propaganda intended to manipulate us into giving up privacy. Snowden responded by talking about how lawmakers are currently trying to ban end-to-end messaging encryption under the guise of a bill intended to stop child pornography.

#savethechildren but don't give up our privacy
I posted it somewhere but the IRS has posted a reward for hacking various cryptocurrencies.

They arent even hiding it anymore. They just bury the lead where the masses never hear. Or when they do they have been riled up over something else before.
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