Butch Jones is the right man for the job. I was upset when he was hired; however, I'm a believer in Butch Jones now. He holds everyone around him, including himself, accountable for turning this program around. He's very passionate, and I wouldn't want anyone else as the coach of UT right now. If others feel the same, then I guess that makes us all brick layers; however, I'd start laying some bricks too if I was you OP because Butch Jones is going to bring UT football back very soon.
That scenerio is not what I'm wanting to happen-far from it. I'm mearly pointing out (against all those claiming big possibilities) the realistic view of what can/could/may very well happen. And, referring to all of the hoopla surrounding Butch and the brick by brick slogan. Reference to Oregan is not directly to Okla but that tyoe of blowout and how many will start calling for his head just as those who claimed CDD was better than CLK then changed their minds!
You know, they say heroin has made a big comeback the last few years. I guess this thread proves it is indeed true.
Do you even know what heroin is? That would be like saying someone who takes prescription painkillers is crazy. Crack and meth are the drugs that make people extremely delusional. They would've been a much better choice for your insult. Nonetheless, we won't be 1-7. We have SEC talent and a good coaching staff. I understand it's hard to buy in after the last few years though.
Do you even know what heroin is? That would be like saying someone who takes prescription painkillers is crazy. Crack and meth are the drugs that make people extremely delusional. They would've been a much better choice for your insult. Nonetheless, we won't be 1-7. We have SEC talent and a good coaching staff. I understand it's hard to buy in after the last few years though.
It's still the offseason and several on here are looking the schedules and saying (if) this and that etc.. As I look at the schedule, if Utah State does infact slip up and beat us as the odds makers have stated and we are shell shocked going into the Arky St. game and Arky St. is comparable to WKU minus the turnovers, we very well could be 1-7 heading into the Ala game. Now, I venture to guess if the Sooners do to us what Oregan did last year there will be a total melt down on here like last year! So, if it comes to that and it very well may, do all the brick by brick layers on here turn on Butch and call for his replacement?
It's still the offseason and several on here are looking the schedules and saying (if) this and that etc.. As I look at the schedule, if Utah State does infact slip up and beat us as the odds makers have stated and we are shell shocked going into the Arky St. game and Arky St. is comparable to WKU minus the turnovers, we very well could be 1-7 heading into the Ala game. Now, I venture to guess if the Sooners do to us what Oregan did last year there will be a total melt down on here like last year! So, if it comes to that and it very well may, do all the brick by brick layers on here turn on Butch and call for his replacement?
Something tells me OP wanted Doofus to return this year.
It's still the offseason and several on here are looking the schedules and saying (if) this and that etc.. As I look at the schedule, if Utah State does infact slip up and beat us as the odds makers have stated and we are shell shocked going into the Arky St. game and Arky St. is comparable to WKU minus the turnovers, we very well could be 1-7 heading into the Ala game. Now, I venture to guess if the Sooners do to us what Oregan did last year there will be a total melt down on here like last year! So, if it comes to that and it very well may, do all the brick by brick layers on here turn on Butch and call for his replacement?
What if Hitler came back to life, rolled a slew of Panzers into Neyland and shot up the place. What then?
Good Lord the scenarios people put together in their minds.
BTW..... I heard Elvis could drive a Panzer and was being heavily recruited by the Third Reich.
What if Hitler came back to life, rolled a slew of Panzers into Neyland and shot up the place. What then?
Good Lord the scenarios people put together in their minds.
BTW..... I heard Elvis could drive a Panzer and was being heavily recruited by the Third Reich.
What if Hitler came back to life, rolled a slew of Panzers into Neyland and shot up the place. What then?
Good Lord the scenarios people put together in their minds.
BTW..... I heard Elvis could drive a Panzer and was being heavily recruited by the Third Reich.
Before posting make sure the events are in order, Also, Arky state won't be coached by Bobby Petrino so there is no comparison. Utah state is a good team. Winning that game will tell us how our season will turn out. 5-7 to 7-5 is my range marker for this season.