Schaeffer Rejected

Is aTm still on his list? (or their list)
I agree SFla would work out well for him, But the way his situation is,
aTm would almost be perfect.
I do hope this kid lands on his feet somewhere, but I also hope this serves as a warning to other youngsters that misdemeanor assault charges are serious as are all misdemanors.

I would have to imagine the only reason Clemson has rejected him, even if they aren't saying it, is the trouble he got in at UT.

Most college coaches realize they're taking a chance evey time they recruit a young man, but when one has proven to make poor judgments at one school it's a safe bet most coaches are going to think twice about taking them on. Simply put, most coaches have more trouble already than they can handle.

Perhaps it will all work out for the young man. In the end, I believe he made a big mistake by not staying at UT, working through his troubles, and accepting another role on the team.

South Florida isn't exactly a stepping stone to the League.
I figured any school would jump at the chance to play Schaeffer.

Just goes to show how much I know.
He's got the talent, but brining Schaeffer on could also mean bad publicity. Seems to me he has to the potential to be as good off the field as he is on. He will land somewhere. There has to be some school out there that needs a scrambling QB. And I can't think of a better fit for him than TAMU (good point IBO24/7). The military school structure as well as the dual-threat QB play. Schaeffer would be a great follow-up to McNeal.
Originally posted by Vol67@Jul 28, 2005 9:20 PM
Alot of it is I'm the man or I transfer problem

Well, it kinda backfired on him, wouldn't you say?
With his talent, I don't blame him... UT's play style just doesn't fit how he works, I guess. He has the talent to start at many programs around the country, and if it weren't for his off-the-field troubles, I'm sure programs would jump at the chance to bring him on.
It wasn't UT that didn't fit it was Schaeffer that didn't fit UT in the respect of I'm either the man or I'll go somewhere else. He couldn't be the man cause he didn't want to put the effort into doing what it takes to be the man. You will not be the man no matter how talented if you skip workouts, team meetings, position meeetings and even classes. Not to mention getting arrested.
I don't think Schaeffer or Banks had much of a team mentality. Kinda like Leon on those crazy commercials.
Some guys just can't handle it when they reach a level where raw talent isn't enough.
Originally posted by GAVol@Jul 28, 2005 10:19 PM
Some guys just can't handle it when they reach a level where raw talent isn't enough.

Some of them are such big shots in high school, adjusting to something that is bigger than just themselves is hard on them, I think.
But aren't all the MODs starters? Plenty of Positions. I hope no MOD assults somebody gets upset and goes to another board! :D
I'm just thankful that UT has not traditionally had to have a QB that can scrambles. That usually means he's having to run for his life because his line couldn't block the sun.

Most scrambling QBs I've seen are too quick to go to the scramble instead of staying in the pocket that extra second and taking a hit in order to get the pass off to their primary receivers.

When a QB has to scramble it can give a receiver time to get open, but it can also allow time for the DB to close as well.

I'll take the tried and proven pocket guy who has just enough presence of mind to shake off the rush. I really liked what I saw in Ainge in that regard last season. I think he's going to be special.

When you have coach saying, "He's as good as Peyton was at the same point of his career." That's a mouth full.

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