Schaeffer Rejected

Originally posted by OldVol@Jul 29, 2005 9:25 AM
When you have coach saying, "He's as good as Peyton was at the same point of his career." That's a mouth full.

I just hope that's not too much for the young man to swallow.
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Jul 29, 2005 10:10 AM
I just hope that's not too much for the young man to swallow.

I believe he will handle it.

He comes from a good family with a strong background. Most of the kids who fail in handling the hype are kids who didn't have a strong father influence in their life.

I believe Ainge is destined to push Peyton's records. I also believe he'll make a great NFL QB someday, barring career ending injuries.
God forbid he gets injured. And Ainge has an unshakable confidence. He had a similar game to the on in Auburn, here in high school. It was against Beaverton. Ainge threw two picks in the first half, one his fault, the other the fault of the receiver. Even though he threw one more pick after that in the second half, he just kept out there throwing with the same demeanor the whole time.

There's no better trait a QB can have than that.
I like a kid that can pull it down and run for daylight.
But that isnt UT football, It in some ways bought us some time last season, and a chance to rally back. Ainge and INTs hurt us, But it was the speed of the college game. Mental mistakes, or a split second throw, That could have went for 6 or picked off.
His patients and confidence will only grow.......
I wonder if he would consider going to a reciever position NOW? A little healthy humility might be just what the doctor ordered, if CPF would take him back.
I've seen some chatter on the NCSU board that maybe State can pull out of the game with UT and they can land Schaeffer..killing two birds with one stone.
The Chatter about the series being cancelled is true but not for that reason.
As far as Schaeffer being let back on the team, it ain't going to happen
If ANYBODY was let back on the team, I would vote James Banks. He at least realized the error of his ways in the end. After watching last year's UF game, I realize Schaeffer is a tough loss too, but I haven't heard anything about any humility or penitence on his part.
Maybe I am a bit on the edge here, but I really do not think we will miss him as much as some people think. He definitely is a good athlete, but I do think that we are going to be in good shape at the QB position for some time.

I don't think people give Rick the credit he deserves and Ainge is Ainge...Crompton will be ready next year, and he and Ainge will tear it up. Something tells me we will be alright without Brent...

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