As I've already pointed out, LSU really has only played a tougher conference schedule than Alabama this year and last, and will likely have an easier one next year.
To your point about OOC games, that's not entirely accurate either. Since 2007, here are the BCS teams both Bama and LSU have played OOC:
LSU -#9 Va Tech (finished 10-3, #9)
Bama - #22 FSU in Jacksonville (finished 7-6, UR)
Advantage LSU
LSU - No BCS opponents. Best OOC win was Troy.
Bama - #9 Clemson in Atlanta (finished 7-6, UR)
Advantage Bama
LSU - @ Washington (finished 5-7, UR)
Bama - #7 Va Tech in Atlanta (finished 10-3, #10)
Advantage Bama
LSU - #18 UNC in Atlanta (finished 8-5, UR)
- #22 WVU (finished 9-4, UR)
Bama - #18 Penn State (finished 7-6, UR)
- @ Duke (finished 3-9, UR)
Advantage LSU
LSU - #3 Oregon in Dallas (finished 12-2, #4)
- @ #16 WVU (finished 10-3. #17)
Bama - @ #23 Penn St (finished 9-4, #23)
Advantage LSU, and LSU should be given credit for one of the toughest OOCs of all time
LSU - Washington (finished 7-6, UR)
Bama - #8 Michigan in Dallas (finished 8-5, #24)
Advantage Bama
So this stuff about Bama perpetually having an easier OOC slate than LSU is complete crap.
More Bama math and whitewashing....This is what I see from what you posted, and I have absolutely no idea if what you posted is accurate, but just going by your own data...
With the exception of 2009, every year Bama had the "harder" OOC schedule, the team they had to beat was 1-2 games over .500. And 2012, which you called in Bama's favor, is pretty much a wash.
I see 1 year in the last 6 (2009) where Bama clearly had a tougher out of conference schedule. When LSU had the tougher OOC, it wasn't even close.
or to put it another way....
Over that time span:
Bama BCS OOC Opponent Record 51-39 (.566)
LSU BCS OOC Opponent Record 61-30 (.670)
Missed your edit:
Since Bama and LSU did not play all of those teams in a given year, they're win totals over that period are irrelevant. I agree that LSU has had a couple of years of playing very good OOC competition. But not every year.
Yet, you are using win totals in each year to make your point. Its only irrelevant when it doesn't support your case?
Bottom line, over that time period, Bama had only one year of the last 6 where they clearly played better OOC competition....and over that time span LSU opponents won more and lost less than Bama's opponents did.
Spin it however you want after that. Your line of it is complete crap to assume otherwise is wrong. From the numbers you posted, it is a reasonable assumption.
No, you aren't understanding. If you total them all up, you are making the case than the teams that LSU played over a six year period were better than Bama's opponents. This is true, and I agree with you.
But that isn't the point I was making. Each year is separate from the years before and after. LSU had a year or two in that timeframe where their opponents were MUCH better than Bama's. LSU-SIU was trying to make the argument that LSU's schedule is usually better than Bama's from year-to-year. When talking about each year, the totals for the six year period are irrelevant. The only way to determine who played a better schedule in a given year is to look only at that given year.
Now, you can argue which schedules were "clearly" better, but you're coming off as being totally biased. You will not be able to make a coherent argument that playing Clemson in 2008 was similar to playing Troy, nor Michigan being equal to Washington last year.
First bold: Even that way, most years it is almost a wash when bama played the "harder" schedule. In the years LSU did, it wasn't close. Again, with the exception of ONE year. Taken as a total, it isn't even close, even throwing out the year LSU didn't play a BCS team and Bama did.
Second bold: Given your numbers, that is correct.
Third bold: No I'm not. Everything else you posted in this thread is reasonable and I didn't respond to. Here, you are being biased.
Whatever. If you can actually provide a breakdown of how '08 Clemson was not better than Troy and the same for '12 Michigan and UW, then great. Absent that, you just sound like a biased rival fan. All you've brought so far is "nuh uh!"
Whatever. If you can actually provide a breakdown of how '08 Clemson was not better than Troy and the same for '12 Michigan and UW, then great. Absent that, you just sound like a biased rival fan. All you've brought so far is "nuh uh!"
I'm honestly wondering at this point if you know how to add and subtract.
Nuh uh!
Either give something, anything, that supports your argument or don't reply. You look like a jilted ex-girlfriend right now.
Math ain't the problem. The problem is: "Any enemy of my enemy, is a friend of mine." When you're through giving LSU a wet one, we'll look forward to seeing you in Tuscaloosa, for how many in a row? You do the math?
A nine game schedule would be infinitely better than only counting division games. If we're only counting division games, then we should realign the divisions based on parity or split and form two conferences.
Whats the point? Playing the "who beat who game" one can make just about any team look better than any other team. You posted a bunch of win/loss records without actually looking at the win/losses and then drew some silly conclusion about Bama playing just as good opponents as LSU. Now you are bringing up the "well, look who was actually better" stupidity because your original retard post didn't make any sense.
The jilted ex-gf thing is rich, coming from a Bama fan on a UT board. I bet if the roles were reversed and UT was up and Bama was wallowing in misery you would be nowhere to be found.
Yeah, good luck with that considering just 6 years ago bama was terrible and UT was winning the east. Or how about when USCe was unheard of? Parity in college sports is as cyclical as any sport we will ever see. Even mighty juggernauts like UK and UNC in basketball suck it up every now and then with HoF coaches. Same is true for Football, it just takes longer to reload and cycle up due to depth.
Seriously, you suck at this. You started off debating a point that I never made. When you finally got the point, you couldn't just say "I get it," and move on. No, you had to double down on stupid and say something that could be easily disproven. Now that I've supported my position, rather than defending your own, you're pissed at me for bringing facts to the table. Well, sorry that Google is beyond your skill level.
You not only sound stupid, you sound bitter.
I'm seriously done with this. You can say it over and over again, but it doesn't make it so. Bama beat a bunch of just over .500 teams when LSU did the same. That is the only facts you have brought to the table. LSU beat much better teams on the other years. i see ONE year bama had a tougher OOC schedule, per the records you posted. Everything else is conjecture on your part about who the better teams REALLY were to make the point you wanted to make. The numbers you posted simply didn't. Now your saying I'm doubling down on stupid to save your face.
Go on believing your right, I really don't care.