SCIENCE: White Libs More Likely To Have Mental Health Problems

No, we just deal with it and drive on through the day.

There’s really only a few true mental illnesses.
Is that right? And how are you qualified to make the statement? Pysch degree? Minor? I noticed you said "we"? Are you mentally ill? Message me if you need someone to talk to, in all seriousness.
Is that right? And how are you qualified to make the statement? Pysch degree? Minor? I noticed you said "we"? Are you mentally ill? Message me if you need someone to talk to, in all seriousness.

For the most part we excuse bad behavior as a mental illness now, we try to claim feeling sad or nervous as mental illnesses, they’re not. It’s **** we all have to deal with from time to time, suck it up and go on.

Now, there are truly batshit crazy people out there and they need help but lets stop labeling being an azzhole or a crybaby as a mental illness.
I’m liable to say the worst things. I once overshot a girls age at a bar by 10 years. Not even trying to be rude just naturally dumb I guess

It's not even that I mess up that bad usually, i just scrutinize myself and look at what i say in the dumbest possible light.
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Majority of young white female libs have a diagnosed mental health condition, according to Pew Research


White liberals are significantly more likely than other racial and ideological groups to be diagnosed with a mental health condition, according to science.

The findings, from a Pew Research Center survey published in March 2020, were the subject of a recent Twitter thread that inspired an Evie Magazine article on the possible "scientific correlation" between progressive ideas and mental illness.

According to the survey, white liberals of all ages were more likely to have been diagnosed with a mental health condition compared with their moderate and conservatives peers. The disparity was especially pronounced among young people aged 18-29, the most annoying demographic and the one with the worst opinions, generally speaking.

Nearly half of young white liberals (46 percent) reported being diagnosed with a mental health condition. That was significantly higher than the percentage of young white moderates (26 percent) and young white conservatives (21 percent) who reported a mental health diagnosis. Young white people who identified as "very liberal" were considerably more likely to report mental health problems, even compared with their peers who identified as liberal.

SCIENCE: White Libs More Likely To Have Mental Health Problems - Washington Free Beacon

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LOL .... we've always known Liberals to have mental problems .... we've said it here for years.
Just look at their domestic policies and their actions towards those that don't agree with them. ...... says it all.

Absolutely. You could just say young white liberals are a mental health problem ... both to themselves and others.
Makes sense. They do have to be a little off to come up with some of the ideas that they cook up.

If you spent your days wandering the earth looking for unbroken things and trying to explain how they are broken and why you have to fix them, you'd probably be wacko, too.
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No, we just deal with it and drive on through the day.

There’s really only a few true mental illnesses.

And libs are claiming a few of those are normal even if biology says differently. If Lewis Carroll were alive today, he'd be scared straight.
I’m liable to say the worst things. I once overshot a girls age at a bar by 10 years. Not even trying to be rude just naturally dumb I guess
In my younger years I used to call chicks strippers and/or hookers at bars depending on how they were dressed because I assumed it was their chosen profession

Sometimes I was right!

Most of the time I got a "free drink" for it..
In my younger years I used to call chicks strippers and/or hookers at bars depending on how they were dressed because I assumed it was their chosen profession

Sometimes I was right!

Most of the time I got a "free drink" for it..

Cool story bro.
Didn't see where "mental health problem" was fully defined. Anxiety, depression, schizophrenia,etc?
Didn't see where "mental health problem" was fully defined. Anxiety, depression, schizophrenia,etc?
The only conclusive thing we can say is this:
Those with a history of mental health should be denied their 2A rights. Therefore, liberal white women should not possess a firearm.
The only conclusive thing we can say is this:
Those with a history of mental health should be denied their 2A rights. Therefore, liberal white women should not possess a firearm.
How do you take away a woman's gun rights once a month?

Lord forgive me, I'm gonna pay for that, I just know it.

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