There are 4 types of giving:
1. Cheerful tithe- This follows the paths outlined in the Old Testament Covenant(OTC) to instruct them in their giving while cheerfully and willingly submitting themselves to that authority.
2. Cheerful Spirit-led- This follows the paths outlined in the New Testament Covenant(NTC) to instruct them in their giving and cheerfully and willingly submit themselves to that authority.
3. Un-cheerful tithe- This believes tithing is right, but generally either struggle to or don't give in accordance to the paths of giving outlined in the OTC.
4. Un-cheerful Spirit-led- This believes free-will is right, but generally either struggle to or don't give in accordance to the paths of giving outlined in the New Testament Covenant.
Which then leads to the tithe, the church, and the storehouse.
The kingdom of heaven, which is the New Testament picture of the storehouse, has a limitless capacity, compared to the Old Testament storehouse, . The building in which we worship is not the Old Testament storehouse renewed for us in the New Testament. So, the new challenge today is to fill up the borderless gates of heaven.