Scott McClellan resigns



Senior Member
Oct 9, 2005
press secretary for bush resigns. must be tired of defending W's lies, or bush needs a better one to help him defend his lies better. Rove also took another demotion, W looks like he's trying to revamp his image. i think it is alittle to late for that.
Why does Bush need to revamp his image??? He is a two term president, not like he can run for re-election. Also, if he really cared about what people thought, then he probably would have governed by poll like William Jefferson did.
Please quote George W. Bush on one lie he has told, and please support it with evidence.
While I have mixed feelings about W's job performance;

I'm not in the fringe percentage that believes EVERY decision he's every made is wrong, evil and designed to help his oil buddies and Haliburton.

I'm not in the fringe percentage that blames him for EVERY bad thing that happens. E.g. Katrina happened because he didn't sign the Kyoto Treaty.

I'm not in the fringe percentage that wants him to use multi-lateral diplomacy then blasts him for using multi-lateral diplomacy.

Finally, I'm not in the fringe percentage that sees all his decisions as wrong even though completely equivalent decisions were made in the previous administration without any stink being raised.
As regards McClellan, the simple fact is the job chews people up and spits them out. The toll it takes is just enormous, I'm surprised there isn't more turnover than there is...
i believe he has lied on many things, he's just good at covering his butt. the war in iraq, bad intel. 9\11 not enough evidence to warrent tightening security. this whole leak case, just wanted to show american's intel i had. reasons for going to war, he seems not to be able to get them straight either WMD's or terror or bil laden [ who he is freinds with most of his family ]. like i said you can ask most of the general public and they will agree he's lied about alot of things. he is just good at covering his butt and blaming someone else. i won't even mention hurricane katrina and how he ignored everybody.
I believe you will find that the previous administration had at least 2 press secretaries -- does the same logic apply there? Were they tired of telling Clinton's lies or is the nature of the job that some turnover is likely :question:
(therealUT @ Apr 19 said:
Please quote George W. Bush on one lie he has told, and please support it with evidence.

Thank you for following directions, Smoke. That answer though is typical of Bush-bashers. Maybe in 2008 we can elect a president who opts to ignore intelligence that is provided him through the CIA, British Intel, French Intel, and German Intel.
true i believe clinton and the whole monica thing really took its toll on his press secretary. i still trusted clinton alot more than bush. anything that bush says as far as i'm concerned you have to be skeptical about. it doesn't help that i don't see his views and his stories are almost out of a cartoon. example would be taking responsibility for hurricane katrina then blaming brown, that is not good politics.
(smokedog#3 @ Apr 19 said:
true i believe clinton and the whole monica thing really took its toll on his press secretary. i still trusted clinton alot more than bush. anything that bush says as far as i'm concerned you have to be skeptical about. it doesn't help that i don't see his views and his stories are almost out of a cartoon. example would be taking responsibility for hurricane katrina then blaming brown, that is not good politics.

Interesting, I didn't know that our president was the driving force behind a very strong category 3 hurricane...

Good politics would have been for the City government of New Orleans to have a more reliable evacuation plan. Good politics would have then been for the Governor of Louisiana to get her troops in there ASAP (since the National Guard troops are state militias, and the Governor is their Commander-in-Chief.) Also, as much of a tragedy as it was, I have a hard time feeling all that sorry for people who live in New Orleans, Houston, San Franciso, Miami, Las Vegas, and the like when tragedies strike. It is the risk you accept by living there, not if but when the next big catastrophe will strike. In Italy, people who see Mount Vesuvius looming over the city everyday of their life have an annual celebration to the fact that the volcano hasn't erupted again and wiped them out. When it does, I will have a tough time feeling all that bad.
(smokedog#3 @ Apr 19 said:
true i believe clinton and the whole monica thing really took its toll on his press secretary. i still trusted clinton alot more than bush. anything that bush says as far as i'm concerned you have to be skeptical about. it doesn't help that i don't see his views and his stories are almost out of a cartoon. example would be taking responsibility for hurricane katrina then blaming brown, that is not good politics.

The difference I see is that those who don't like Bush refuse to acknowledge ANYTHING that he might do is the right thing to do.

I wasn't a Clinton fan but I didn't hate him viscerally. I didn't equate him to Hitler eventhough his folks attacked in Waco, bombed in the Serbian conflict without going to the UN (yes innocent people died), broken in and removed Elian Gonzalez, etc. etc. (by the way I wasn't against these things per se - just pointing out that liberals weren't up in arms about these agressive acts)

I think Clinton's "I'm okay, you're okay" foreign policy was too weak and contributed to many of the problems we have now (can you say N. Korea?; the belief among terrorists that the West won't stay in a fight?; etc.) but again, I wasn't calling for him to be impeached, sent to jail, etc.

I could give countless more examples but my point is the anti-Bush crowd is so blinded by it's dislike - they are willing to abandon long-held principles (e.g. due process - the move to impeach based on the assumption that the domestic spying actions were illegal prior to it being deemed illegal) if it gets Bush.
(smokedog#3 @ Apr 19 said:
must be tired of defending W's lies

only the most basic forms of idiots say stuff like that when somebody resigns

you and the media will eat it up
(therealUT @ Apr 19 said:
Good politics would have then been for the Governor of Louisiana to get her troops in there ASAP (since the National Guard troops are state militias, and the Governor is their Commander-in-Chief.)

I seem to recall reporting at the time that stated the bulk of the governor's Guard troops were deployed in Iraq at the time.
(orange+white=heaven @ Apr 19 said:
I seem to recall reporting at the time that stated the bulk of the governor's Guard troops were deployed in Iraq at the time.

That 'bulk' was somewhere around 30-35%. Funny how the media can spin things by not reporting the percentage, just using words like 'bulk,' 'chunk,' 'good amount,' etc.
(therealUT @ Apr 19 said:
That 'bulk' was somewhere around 30-35%. Funny how the media can spin things by not reporting the percentage, just using words like 'bulk,' 'chunk,' 'good amount,' etc.

Bulk was my word. My memory is insufficient to recall the exact reporting.
It's a weakness, I know...
no not al gore. didn't really like him much, but i did vote for him. you notice how everybody that defends bush always comes back with the media is making him out to be a bad person. seems strange they did the same thing to clinton, but i don't think he was as hated as W.
I think Clinton created the conservative media. All those people who couldn't beleive that Bush 1st lost had to have somewhere to go and vent and they sure weren't going to get a shoulder to cry on from NPR, Phil Donahue or Oprah. The mainstream media was pretty much on Clinton's side until the Lewinsky thing got rolling. At that point it was a news story that could not be ignored. Overall, I think Bush gets pretty good treatment from the media. If they report he has low poll #s, well, it's probably because he has low poll #s and not a leftist conspiracy to set the country against him. Unlike college head football coaches, you can't fire the president. It'll be 2009 before you know it and then there will be a new pres. and about half of us will be happy while the other half will engage in a four-to-eight year bitchfest.
i don't know about that. some of these republicans have grown on me with the illegal immigration bill. if we elected one that i agreed with more i would be happy. as long as it is not john mccain or one of bush's cronies. on the democrat side just as long as it isn't hillary. we need somebody more in the middle.
Maybe John Kerry is a perfect candidate since he takes positions on opposing sides it all evens out down the middle.
Are the Democrats even going to run a candidate in 2008??? Lord knows they don't have an agenda.

For 8 years, all the Dems have done is Bush bash, gonna be hard to continue doing against a candidate that isn't named Bush.
My take on "liberal bias" in the media.

Liberal has several meanings but in this case it is a tilt towards the weak/poor over the strong/rich. For example, stories about a corporation doing wrong especially if screwing a low level employee get more play than a low level employee screwing a corporation. Likewise, a 3rd world country against a 1st world gets the sympathy edge towards the 3rd world country - they are the victim (no matter what is being reported). For example, a story about Cuban/US relations may look at how we are causing suffering in Cuba while ignoring Castros much more direct role in that suffering.

Study after study shows that the vast majority of the press has a personal liberal bent - in my mind it shapes the lens through which they tell the story.

NPR is an outstanding organization in terms of quality but definitely has a liberal bent (as described above) in terms of which stories it reports and the tone in which it reports them.

I don't see it as a republican vs. democrat thing. More of a world view thing.

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