SC's use of the rooster crow...

The funny thing was when the band came and sat down, we were only one section over and WCG said, "At least the band is playing pointed away from us, so it won't be that loud." About that time they went into Rocky Top and his eyeballs started rattling. I sort of felt sorry for him. :lol:
I LOL'd at Spurrier whinny voice coming on and saying "It's Carolina Football Time."

I rewound it on TIVO and laughed again.

that sounds completely dumb. I had to laugh at that one too.
When your use to playing in front of 75,000-100,000 screaming fans, who cares about a rooster noise.
yeah Herbstreet was talking about the crowd noise and how that would affect ainge and I was thinking you know he plays in front of 107,000 every week right?.

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