Seal Team goes into Somalia, rescues hostages

I understand why we went in but at some point people have to take responsibility for their own safety. No surprise our guys were successful though

Not really their fault...

The aid workers' security guards, hired to protect them, were alleged to have colluded with pirate gangs to arrange the kidnapping.
So to those here with a bit better perspective on the military, safe to say that Leon Panetta has been a solid SoD?

Leon Panetta has been the sorriest DoD in my lifetime which dates back to the FDR administration.

Obama and the dhimmirats along with their compliant media outlets (the Tennessean just ran an article about how close BHO and the SEALS are and how the OBL and Somali opperation had gained him grassroots support), yet not long ago the dhimmirats, in particular Turban Durbin, were calling the SEALS, 'Cheney's hit squad' and likening them to the Kmer Rouge and so forth.

Obama is as was far closer to Turban Durbin that he will ever be to Dick Cheney.

GW Bush tentavively initiated an intervention in Somalia to squelch these people but Clinton screwed that up horribly.

Clinton's commanders on the ground in Somalia said they needed armored support to carry on and even though we had that equipment on ships just off the coast, slick willy refused to send it in.

The result was a pr disaster for the US and caused bin Laden to brag that America had no stomach for a fight and then we had the jihadist embassy bombings in east Africa and other terrorist acts which ultimately led to 9/11.

Not to mention we took the wrong side in Yugoslavia as if we had already been defeated and were campaigning for islamic jihad.

Panetta was an integral part of all that and still is.

nbakerld Quote:
Not to mention this is the same period where Christians were murdering each other over heresy. Yeah they had it right.

And things were much better in the moslem world, surely you jest.



Jefferson had it right.

In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams
went to negotiate with Tripoli’s envoy to London,
Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul
Rahman Adja). Upon inquiring “concerning the grounds
of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had
done them no injury”, the ambassador replied:

It was written in the Koran, that all nations which
had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners,
whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to
plunder and enslave; and that every muslim who
was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise.

He said, also, that the man who was the first to
board a vessel had one slave over and above his
share, and that when they sprang to the deck of
an enemy’s ship, every sailor held a dagger in each
hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck
such terror into the foe that they cried out for
quarter at once.

Two hundred years later not one word of the Koran
has changed, nor has it's interpretaion by islamic
scholars and their plan is still the same.

Our shame is that, collectively, we are so ignorant of
history and that so many are so willing to accept defeat
and dhimmitude so easily and seem so vindictive toward
the more wise among us.

"It is easier to resist in the beginning than in the end."
Leonardo Da Vinci

KiffinKiller Quote:or the fact that it was silly and the crusades failed.

It may have been a failure in the sense that they didn't wholly conquer and hold the Holy land (they didn't have the logistics to do that and knew it but they knew thay must make some kind of answer or further submit to islamic slave taking and having to pay monetary tribue to moslems) but it was a success in the sense that it quelled moslem attempts to conquer Europe for half a millenium.

Not only that we still do have today a Christian quarter to Jersalem that as yet the moslems havn't been able to reconquer.

LLcoolDave Quote:
No doubt. It was reported that the SEALS were scooped up by a couple of Blackhawks...pilots more than likely from the 160th

They parachuted in from high flying C-130s a good way off from the rescue site so as to not alert the hostage holders. Not much happens with the USAF.

Wonder what those two know that warranted this level of intervention?

Interesting question but I doubt that it was really anything more than Obama using the SEALS to gain political traction and project the image that BHO is tough on terrorists.

Not meant to detract from the excellent execution of the operation by our armed forces.

I hope this doesn't result in a tit for tat kind of deal like after the bin Laden deal where about thirty special forces lost their lives in Afghanistan. The story didn't shake out after that incident enough to suit me, there had to be at least one lie in the official story but I don't want to rehash that right now.

The first response in in Somalia, reported via AP (what I've called the Arab Press since 1965) is that an American has been taken hostage in northern Somalia and moved from one location to another three times within the first 24 hours and the promise made that he would have a gun to his head until his ransom (jirza) is paid and would be killed if any rescue opperation is attempted.
Obama's oversight of nearly-unchecked growth in both public and private intelligence sectors places him much closer to Cheney than you probably care to admit (or maybe you're just another voice in the mindless "Obama is killing the national defense!" chorus)
Obama is like Dick Cheney. :eek:lol::eek:lol::eek:lol:

Although SEAL Team 6 and its official successor, the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, have been around since the 1980s, their missions always were kept secret to shield their members’ identities and protect operational security.

Every president since the team’s founding has deployed this “elite of the elites” unit, created as one remedy to fix the hollowed-out military under President Carter - specifically to prevent more incidents like the botched hostage rescue attempt of hostages from the U.S. Embassy in Iran. Its ranks are made of highly specialized and seasoned professionals, traditionally handpicked from existing SEAL teams.

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