SEC challenge

Visor Boy is in for a rough return to Knoxville...Count on it. He thought the NFL was tough...LOL look out!!!!!!!!

Vols 47 Cocks 10
The man has no talent to work with next season. I would honestly not be suprised if Kentucky or Vandy pulls one over on SoCar next season.
I get nervous when everyone says Spud Spurrier has no chance. He will probably unveil some unbelievably wild offense and make people look silly on defense every now and then.
He won't beat us for a long time when he's at So Carolina......He better get used to the teams he beat at Florida beating them and running the score up on him because he was a classless jerk and done it to them....What goes around comes around
I'm not worried about South Carolina at all. Everybody gives the ol' ball coach too much credit. This is not Florida that he is coaching now. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that SC is not going to have the caliber players that he had at UF. I don't care if they had Lambardi himself as the head coach I still don't think that he can come into Knoxville and win this year or next year for that matter. So do I think that Stevie boy can get it done HECK NO! To be honest I'm tired of hearing about him I just can't wait for season to start so I can see him fall flat on his face again just like he did in the NFL.
Originally posted by surrealvol@Jun 20, 2005 7:02 PM
I get nervous when everyone says Spud Spurrier has no chance.  He will probably unveil some unbelievably wild offense and make people look silly on defense every now and then.

He is a great coach, one of the best in the game. I will admit it. You just can't say he sucks with the record he racked up at Florida. But actually had a team that could play there. I will make a stretch and say that even Vanderbilt might be more talented than South Carolina this season. Even the greatest coaches can't win without some talent.
I don't know that I'd go as far as to put SC in the Vandy category. They are depleted and are probably looking at a 5-6 win season, but I guarantee you that SOS will pull at least one win out of the hat that he wasn't supposed to.

Remember, this is the same guy that figured out how to win at Duke.
Good point. We'll see... Vanderbilt actually has some barely recognizable form of talent this season, though. South Carolina is short of talent everywhere.
Nice point. As for me, I have to be at least a LITTLE BIT nervous that his unlikely win might come against us. Not saying that it SHOULD, but you know that he'd just love to beat Tennessee again.

One things for sure: you can never be sure of anything when playing against Spurrier.
I think the difference between SC last year and this year is that last year they were untalented and ran a Winged T and occasionally some Wishbone. This year they are untalented, but will be playing with 3 or 4 receivers and throwing it 35 times. The results initially might be the same, but they will probably scare the bejeesus out of some people whipping the ball around all over the field.
Originally posted by GAVol@Jun 21, 2005 8:34 AM
I don't know that I'd go as far as to put SC in the Vandy category.  They are depleted and are probably looking at a 5-6 win season, but I guarantee you that SOS will pull at least one win out of the hat that he wasn't supposed to. 

Remember, this is the same guy that figured out how to win at Duke.

Also remember, the ACC in the late 1980's is nowhere near what the SEC East Division is now.

I give Spurrier 2 seasons before he retires again. He'll go 6-5 this year and 8-4 the next and then hang it up because he can't stand to lose.
Originally posted by allvol@Jun 21, 2005 10:10 AM
Also remember, the ACC in the late 1980's is nowhere near what the SEC East Division is now.

Very true - In fact we beat the crap out of Duke 28-6 the year they won the ACC. I guess my point though was that Duke was a 3-4 win team when Spurrier got there and they turned back into a crappy program right after he left.

But I agree with you about Spurrier's tenure at SC. Anything more than 2-3 years is probably a pipe dream.
Originally posted by allvol@Jun 21, 2005 7:10 AM
Also remember, the ACC in the late 1980's is nowhere near what the SEC East Division is now.

I give Spurrier 2 seasons before he retires again.  He'll go 6-5 this year and 8-4 the next and then hang it up because he can't stand to lose.

And it's going to take a while to attract palyers to Columbia.

I will be looking for Vandy to take SC. I honestly think it could happen this season. Hasn't South Carolina pretty much lost every single skill position since last season, and cut even more of their returning starters? I know they've got Stevie, but for God's sake, they are not just dry on talent, they are looking flat-out terrible. I'll worry about them next season, but this season... Come on.
I think SC will steal a game, Everyone will look past SC, That will give SOS, his chance to out fox someone.

It just wont be OCT29th. The Vols back home after a impressive win against bama, Put it to the cocks.
Originally posted by IBleedOrange24/7@Jun 21, 2005 5:19 PM
Everyone will look past SC

I don't buy that anymore.

With Spurrier at USC, no one should overlook them.
Originally posted by U-T@Jun 21, 2005 6:32 PM
I don't buy that anymore.

With Spurrier at USC, no one should overlook them.

Spurrier will have his team ready when he comes to Knoxville. You can't say South Carolina doesn't have talent. They have loads of it. I really believe part of their problem was that the players weren't excited about playing for Lou Holtz. Motivation is very important to the success of a team. I think SOS will revitalize the program at South Carolina. However, his wins in Knoxville are over. :rocks:
Originally posted by VOLINATOR@Jun 21, 2005 8:21 PM
Spurrier will have his team ready when he comes to Knoxville. You can't say South Carolina doesn't have talent. They have loads of it. I really believe part of their problem was that the players weren't excited about playing for Lou Holtz. Motivation is very important to the success of a team. I think SOS will revitalize the program at South Carolina. However, his wins in Knoxville are over. :rocks:

Hey fellas. Haven't been around here since the post-season. I'm inclined to give Spurrier his due, but I don't think he'll get past UT, LSU, or any of the stronger SEC teams this season. Still tho....who knows. I suppose crazier things have happened. Just out of curiosity tho, what was UF's record against you guys during the Spurrier era? I've got no room to gloat, since he mopped the floor with us repeatedly (except in 97 :D ). Anybody know?
Originally posted by Atreus21@Jun 21, 2005 9:36 PM
Hey fellas.  Haven't been around here since the post-season.  I'm inclined to give Spurrier his due, but I don't think he'll get past UT, LSU, or any of the stronger SEC teams this season.  Still tho....who knows.  I suppose crazier things have happened.  Just out of curiosity tho, what was UF's record against you guys during the Spurrier era?  I've got no room to gloat, since he mopped the floor with us repeatedly (except in 97 :D ).  Anybody know?

Atreus21, that 8-4 against us wasnt pretty, anyway what do you think of the LSU-UT match up this yr? It is the sec and one never knows down the road what may happen, but i believe our meeting sept24th has got to be the biggest game on the sec schedule. IMO
Should be as well, IMO. You've got the two projected divisional champions of the SEC meeting in an early date.

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