Please, by the very nature of the respective fan bases, VN is patrolled by considerably brighter people.
I do find some of the Gator boards to be intimidating in the depth of the knowledge of a core group of the posters. Their disdain for those less knowledgeable is matched only by their competition to see who knows the most about the narrowest subject. While there are some on here like that, seems like not nearly as many as on the Florida boards.
I'm not sure that is a good thing because it ends up being a contest of who knows the most about things that I can't reference. Some of the Gator posters on these boards take delight in knowing more about which guy is better at which coverage, which guy moves a nanosecond faster to his right than his left, what defensive scheme is best when the temperature is above 92, but humidity is less than 70 percent, and its an even numbered year, and the favorite color of the opposing DB coach is blue....
My point is that, while some of these people may indeed understand the game a whole lot better than I do or ever will, there is a limit to my patience for learning or weighing in on such super-technical things and so its just not entertaining.
Same thing happens to me on some sites I visit about hurricanes (being that I live in Florida). Some of the true meteorologists write in a lingo I can't understand. Here's a quote form one of those sites today ....
"Over the past month, the magnitudes of the negative SST anomalies in the main development region (MDR) of the tropical Atlantic have maintained themselves and expanded westward from the coast of Africa to now encompass the entire MDR between 10-20N. This is better highlighted by looking at the change in SST anomalies from mid-June to mid-July; if you use the Unisys archives you can see them for yourself."
All I can say in response is "Look at the pretty satellite picture of the reds and greens. Hope it doesn't come here."