SEC Network

I'm confused... is this the half time or pregame show? Please don't say Finey is the lead commentator.
Yet, here you are talking about him.
I would say his mission is accomplished.

I wouldn't have if someone hadn't started this thread. Have never heard his radio show, wouldn't know what he looked like if I hadn't seen him on Gameday 3-4 times this year. Couldn't possibly care less. Just gave my 2 cents.
I like Tebow as a person, but I've never thought he had a good on camera presence. All of the Tebow lovers will most likely lose interest unless he develops a good camera presence.

On a side note, I like Pollack a lot better than Jesse Palmer. Pollack doesn't bother me too much, but I don't think Palmer is good at all. At least we know he's good at the heimlich though.
They should rename the network to Snooze TV. To me Tebow doesn't seem to have any type personality to be on TV, he may know football but it requires more than knowing football to be on TV.

Finnebaum doesn't seem to have anything to say except for a few schools he's got $tif! and don't think will add any value.
I hate that Finkbaum is on ESPN so much now, it's obvious that he's a Bama homer and he does little to hide it. I usually just change the channel when he comes on. Hopefully if they're gonna go the homer route on the SEC network then they'll hire some ex-Vols pretty soon. If not it might be un-watchable.

Anybody remember Howard Cosell, he is dead but he is still a SOB.:banghead2:
:popcorn::Tebow is Jesus so he will be alright, the other one is a all time bama homer, but the SEC is turn in to a bama Lsu gators and bulldogs conference anyway, even with Auburn playing for it all looks whats everybody talking about, Mizz did not get any respect at all I know it was there second year, in 10 years what 4 super conference anyway in football 16 in each conference and by then 8 team playoff so in other words the football that we all grew up watching and for the last 100 years is changing fast right before our eyes, I guess we go with the flow or jump off the ship I am on the rail looking at the water.
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Has there been an announcer in ANY form of media since John Ward that this fan base does actually like?

I wonder if ESPN will let Tebow wear the John 3:16 eye black he likes so much.
Maybe Tebow can share stories about crazy nights in college staying up to 10 drinking milk and watching the Walton's

Wasn't John Boy a little worldly?
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It sounds biased coming from a UT fan, but like some have already said, Tebow isn't very good behind a camera. Anybody remember his interview when he got to the NFL where he said "excited" about 50 times? He doesn't strike me as someone very bright either. Maybe ESPN will limit its use of him.

Edit: The interview wasn't when he first got there. It was when the Jets got him.
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It sounds biased coming from a UT fan, but like some have already said, Tebow isn't very good behind a camera. Anybody remember his interview when he got to the NFL where he said "excited" about 50 times? He doesn't strike me as someone very bright either. Maybe ESPN will limit its use of him.

Edit: it wasn't when he first got there. It was when the Jets picked him up.

I remember Troy Aikman as being one of the most boring, monotone cliched player interviews ever...when he started doing NFL Europe games, I thought BAD MOVE...Need to find another gig...He's the best out there maybe the crying virgin will surprise
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I remember Troy Aikman as being one of the most boring, monotone cliched player interviews ever...when he started doing NFL Europe games, I thought BAD MOVE...Need to find another gig...He's the best out there maybe the crying virgin will surprise
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How DARE you talk about my childhood idol like that!!
Jesse "the Body" Ventura and Colin that would be a winning team.

Maybe even throw in the Ultimate warrior.
I don't mind Tebow. The only thing I have against him is his gatorness but he'll be fair. I WILL NOT under any circumstance watch or listen to fartbaum. He is ugly on the outside AND the inside. The SEC Network better rethink that hire. He will alienate 13 out of 14 SEC fan bases!
How DARE you talk about my childhood idol like that!!

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Points off for not mentioning Moose or Novacek though!
This is not unusual, celebrated Gator quarterbacks are usually found doing most anything other than having successful or lengthy NFL careers. RBs and other position players ... different story ... but their QBs even with the Heismans and Bibles hanging around their necks stink in the NFL.
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Finebaum is espn's Jerry Springer, he's not on the same level as many other talking heads. He just wants to stir things up to get reactions. Jerry Springer.

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