Its one thing to opine, quite another to attack...
What about it Freak, can you give this person a warning?
Look at blackv's history Freak. . .
Nothing but attacks on CHW
What's new? Blackv is not the only one - in recent weeks I have seen HW referred to as a "man woman," I have seen another comment that they "literally hated her," and let's not forget the ridiculous attacks on her wardrobe. There are more than just this one who need a warning. As a matter of fact, they need more than a warning in my opinion. It's outrageous and I'd like to see see these *******s go say it to her face.
When a thread goes to the trolls and haters, I try to end it, or drop it and don't go back.
I have exactly one year's history on this site. Joined last Feb. Initially I was livid at the staff last year and jumped all over them. Even yelled fire Holly and told of my expectations of DD jumping. (I do hope to be wrong about that one). Then, and now, I critiqued what I know, coaching...But I was never low-blowing like the attacks on her person or wardrobe.
That was pathetic in middle school
and is equally so, now.
Charlie creme just said that even if the lady vols win the SEC tournament they still wouldnt be a 4 seed in the NCAA tourney. That's actually shocking considering all the top 10 wins they have and teams like U.K. Getting a 4 seed.
...Either way, Charlie doesn't actually have any say or input into the process. He just makes predictions.