On the "calling" of rival athletes:
These kids bring that upon themselves by showing their attitudes at every opportunity.I don't see the point in it but,with facebook and twitter these guys are having their personal info given out by so-called "friends" just to stir up controversy.If these kids were actually "forced" to finish their degrees or were on a program like in football and baseball much of this stuff would go away.
I'm sure we will see the re-appearance of Captain Hook as the refs look the opposite way for the majority of the night just like the last time but,one of the only sure things in the game will be DC pouting that Chism is making his draft stock go down...
I'm also sure no matter the UK player driving the lane,a whistle will get blown BEFORE he is anywhere close to a VOL player...
Of course I'm sure the free throw comparisons will be grossly swayed as usual in favor of UK because without that there is no way they can compete.They have some talent but,what they do not have is the maturity to make the most of it.If the free throws are almost equal UT wins but,if they are obviously "protected" again UT loses simple as that...