Senator Robert Menendez Indicted (Again)



Kung Fu Kamala, B*tches!
Jan 16, 2010

Resign, you bum.

See how easy that is, Republicans? We don't accuse the DOJ of being rigged or biased. We don't whine to Mommy or our favorite news outlet. We don't concoct conspiracy theories to explain away the criminality. We just want the bum gone.
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Resign, you bum.

See how easier that is, Republicans? We don't accuse the DOJ of being rigged or biased. We don't whine to Mommy or our favorite news outlet. We don't concoct conspiracy theories to explain way the criminality. We just want the bum gone.

That's great and all, but he's not gone. His first trial six or seven years ago and he's still in office.

Resign, you bum.

See how easier that is, Republicans? We don't accuse the DOJ of being rigged or biased. We don't whine to Mommy or our favorite news outlet. We don't concoct conspiracy theories to explain way the criminality. We just want the bum gone.

That’s nice. “We” as in you and the mouse in your pocket or “we” as in the democrats who put him in office?

Resign, you bum.

See how easy that is, Republicans? We don't accuse the DOJ of being rigged or biased. We don't whine to Mommy or our favorite news outlet. We don't concoct conspiracy theories to explain away the criminality. We just want the bum gone.

He has been there 17 years and corrupt from the very start. The only thing different now is he pissed off Schumer, who then got his attack dogs in the Eastern and Southern district to go after him. Thats how Schumer keeps Dems in NY in line. Surprised he is able to extend it to the next state over though. Ah, I see, NJ US attorney is recusing himself. It definitely came from NY then.

Resign, you bum.

See how easy that is, Republicans? We don't accuse the DOJ of being rigged or biased. We don't whine to Mommy or our favorite news outlet. We don't concoct conspiracy theories to explain away the criminality. We just want the bum gone.

Did they invent new twisted legal theories to indict him?
He has been there 17 years and corrupt from the very start. The only thing different now is he pissed off Schumer, who then got his attack dogs in the Eastern and Southern district to go after him. Thats how Schumer keeps Dems in NY in line. Surprised he is able to extend it to the next state over though. Ah, I see, NJ US attorney is recusing himself. It definitely came from NY then.
Ladies and Gentlemen, our first conspiracy theory of the day.
Ok my little conspiracy theory raconteurs, tell me how this is all part of getting Hunter and Joe out of trouble. Bonus points if you can also relate it to George Soros and space lasers. Go .....

Resign, you bum.

See how easy that is, Republicans? We don't accuse the DOJ of being rigged or biased. We don't whine to Mommy or our favorite news outlet. We don't concoct conspiracy theories to explain away the criminality. We just want the bum gone.

You are bragging about not whining while whining.

Resign, you bum.

See how easy that is, Republicans? We don't accuse the DOJ of being rigged or biased. We don't whine to Mommy or our favorite news outlet. We don't concoct conspiracy theories to explain away the criminality. We just want the bum gone.

Where was this energy the first time?
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Where was this energy the first time?
We've actually drifted more into the impeachment territory than I wanted to go. That gets people too fired up. I'm more interested in "support," since it seems that for many on here whatever Trump does has no effect on your support for him. Although I'm a Dem, I'm pretty quick to withdraw support from them when I think it's warranted. Like I thought Menendez should have resigned (but not Al Franken). I was and am not a Hillary fan (who I think was two-faced and dishonest), but I voted for her as the lesser of two evils.

So I just want to know something really basic--when is it too much and you just say no more? I couldn't care less about who he banged (assuming he/she is of age)--and I've said that before--but I do think it's serious if he knowingly conspired to violate campaign finance laws. I also think it's serious if, for example, he's been laundering money (NY Times story this weekend on lots of all cash transactions where he had previously relied largely on debt, which is very unusual) or engaged in other felonies in his business dealings or colluded with Russia or obstructed justice.

I know as a Dem, my threshold will be different than yours (the anti-immigrant stuff is what initially got him on my bad side), but I really do want to know when you will say the lies, incompetency, misogyny, xenophobia, etc. is too much.
Me from May 2018. Thanks for playing love 😘
If Trump had done this, you goobers would have nodded approvingly when he called it a 'perfect google search."

Investigators found gold bars & $480K in his home. LOL … how can anyone be such a big corrupt lame brain moron as this? This idiot went to the Joe Biden school learning how to take bribes while in office.
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Me from May 2018. Thanks for playing love 😘
"whatever Trump does has no effect on your support for him. " Beacuse all Trump did was run domestic and foreign policy the way it should be run. All the Dimborats did was fabricate lies to run a coupe while gnashing their teeth and crying like little babies at Trumps mean tweets.

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