Senator Robert Menendez Indicted (Again)

Since you asked. Notice how the convictions are 100% Republicans and how Democrats are never targeted or convicted.

Obviously, this is further proof of the lefts ownership and weaponization of the DOJ.

Ongoing federal cases against sitting federal lawmakers​

There is one against a Republican, Rep. George Santos of New York, and one against a Democrat, Menendez.

There is also a non-prosecution to mention. Rep. Matt Gaetz, the Florida Republican, was informed this year by the DOJ that he would not be charged in a long-running sex trafficking probe.

Federal cases against recent members of Congress​

These are federal cases against current or former federal lawmakers. I was able to find nine targeting Republicans and eight targeting Democrats.

Former Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, a Republican from Nebraska Found guilty in 2022 of three felonies in a case that centered on campaign contributions.

Former Rep. TJ Cox, a Democrat from California – Still awaiting trial after his 2022 indictment, including for fraudulent campaign contributions.

Former Rep. Duncan Hunter, a Republican from California Sentenced to 11 months in prison for misusing campaign funds, but later pardoned by Trump.

Former Rep. Chris Collins, a Republican from New YorkSentenced to 26 months in prison for insider trading, but later pardoned by Trump.

Former Rep. Corrine Brown, a Democrat from Florida Served more than two years for setting up a false charity.

Former Rep. Steve Stockman, a Republican from Texas Sentenced to 10 years in prison for multiple felonies including fraud and money laundering, but pardoned by Trump after serving part of his sentence.

Former Rep. Anthony Weiner, a Democrat from New YorkSentenced to 21 months in prison for sexting with a minor.

Former Rep. Chaka Fattah, a Democrat from Pennsylvania Sentenced to 10 years in prison for racketeering, fraud and money laundering.

Former Rep. Michael Grimm, a Republican from New York Pleaded guilty and sentenced to eight months in prison for tax evasion. Attempted to run again for Congress.

Former Rep. Rick Renzi, a Republican from ArizonaSentenced to three years for corruption. Pardoned by Trump after he served time.

Sen. Bob Menendez, a Democrat from New Jersey Acquitted by a judge and other charges dismissed after a jury deadlocked in a bribery case.

Former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., a Democrat from IllinoisSentenced to 30 months in prison for misusing campaign funds.

Former Sen. Ted Stevens, a Republican from AlaskaConviction by jury for lying on ethics forms was later set aside over allegations of prosecutorial misconduct.

Former Rep. William Jefferson, a Democrat from LouisianaSentenced to 13 years for corruption and soliciting bribes. There was video of him taking $100,000 from an African official. Served multiple years in prison, but many of the charges were later vacated by a judge based on a US Supreme Court decision.

Former Rep. Bob Ney, a Republican from Ohio – Sentenced to 30 months after a guilty plea for corruption tied to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

Former Rep. RandyDuke” Cunningham, a Republican from CaliforniaSentenced to eight years in prison after a guilty plea for bribery. Later pardoned by Trump.

Former Rep. James Traficant, a Democrat from Ohio Sentenced to eight years in prison for corruption after defending himself during trial. Was later expelled from the House.

Other prosecutions to consider​

Two Republican governors and two Democratic governors have been convicted in federal courts in recent decades:

Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, a Republican, was convicted for bribery and corruption. But the US Supreme Court changed the rules in corruption and bribery cases when it threw out the case against McDonnell.

Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, a Democrat, was convicted for trying to sell his power to appoint a replacement to Barack Obama’s Senate seat. His sentence was later commuted by Trump.

Former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman, a Democrat, was convicted by a jury of bribery and corruption and was sentenced to more than six years in prison.

Former Illinois Gov. George Ryan, a Republican, was convicted on corruption charges after an FBI sting.

Did we miss a federal lawmaker convicted or charged? Let me know at

What’s not included here​

Local prosecutions – like the state or local cases against former Rep. Trey Radel, the Republican from Florida, for cocaine possession in Washington, DC, or former Sen. Larry Craig, the Republican from Idaho, for lewd behavior in the Minneapolis airport – don’t really fit here since they were not conducted by the Department of Justice.

Some notable recent DOJ prosecutions have focused on Democrats at the state level, like Andrew Gillum, the Democrat and former Tallahassee, Florida, mayor who ran for governor and lost to Gov. Ron DeSantis in 2018. Gillum was recently acquitted of lying to the FBI.

Former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh, also a Democrat, was sentenced to three years in prison after she pleaded guilty to charges related to a scheme in which local nonprofit organizations bought her self-published children’s book.
Feds recently popped democrat and republican politicians in West Tennessee.

Bob Menendez’s Wife Killed A Man In A Car Accident: REPORT​

Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez’s wife Nadine Menendez allegedly received special treatment after killing a man in a car crash in December 2018, according to The New York Times.

Menendez’s wife allegedly killed a 49-year-old man named Richard Koop while driving her black Mercedes at night, according to the NYT. Officials ruled her not to be culpable in the incident and promptly let her free; there is speculation about whether Menendez tried to interfere on his wife’s behalf. (RELATED: Bob Menendez’s Approval Rating Drops To Single Digits Following Bribery Indictment: POLL)

A witness asserted the police officers questioning Menendez’s wife seemed to be aware of who she was and gave her preferential treatment as a result, according to the NYT. The police reports suggest authorities did not test Menendez’s wife for drugs or alcohol.

Dems are seeking his resignation. Imagine a party going against their own criminals...
Democrats also demanded the resignation of Sen. Al Franken in 2017. You never see that on the Republican side ....

I realize that it is going back 16 years, but Republicans allowed Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho to finish out his term after he had pleaded guilty to lewd conduct with a plain clothes police officer in a men's bathroom of the Minneapolis - St. Paul Airport in June of 2007. Most Republicans either said nothing about Craig, or rushed to his defense of a crime that he had already pleaded guilty to.

Sen. Al Franken was never even charged with a crime, but unlike Sen. Larry Craig, he was still forced out, anyway.
Sen. Bob Menendez absolutely should be forced to resign. He is as corrupt as they come.

.... but what is keeping Republicans from demanding that Rep. George Santos resign?

Whether it's comparing Trump with Biden, or members of Congress to each other .... Republicans have zero moral high ground to stand on the subject of public corruption.
Neither party has the moral high ground. It's laughable and idiotic to believe either side does. But sheep will defend their flock. It's sad they can't think for themselves.

Senator Bob Menendez is Charged with Conspiracy to Act as an Agent of Egyptian Government​

Fresh on the heels of a slew of bribery and corruption charges, Democratic Senator Bob Menendez has now been indicted for trying to act as an agent of the Egyptian government.

A new, superseding indictment was filed today against Menendez and his wife Nadine, who pleaded not guilty to the other charges earlier this month.

Prosecutors say the conspiracy occurred from January 2018 to June 2022, during which he allegedly took bribes from Egyptian officials and intelligence figures who wanted to influence his power in the Senate.


Developer Convicted of Bribing Menendez Pleads Guilty to Bank Fraud​

One of the businesspeople convicted this summer of bribing former Sen. Bob Menendez pleaded guilty Thursday to a separate federal bank fraud charge, continuing a fall from grace for one of New Jersey’s most powerful real estate developers.

Daibes, an affable former refugee with a rags-to-riches story, remains beloved by allies in Edgewater for his generosity and for the mark he left on the landscape. During the two-month Menendez trial, one government witness called one of Daibes’ apartment complexes “the most beautiful building I’ve ever seen.”

The bank fraud case, a multi-count indictment filed in 2018, involves another part of 67-year-old Daibes’ once sprawling empire: a bank he once chaired called Mariner’s Bank.

Federal prosecutors in New Jersey alleged that between 2008 and 2013, Daibes and others conspired to avoid federally imposed lending limits by having Daibes’ friends and relatives falsely apply for loans in their own names that were, in actuality, for Daibes.

According to a press release from the US Attorney’s Office in New Jersey, Daibes pleaded guilty Thursday to making false entries to improperly obtain a $1.8 million loan from his own bank.


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