I read this book
Blowback and it enumerated way too many instances of sexual assault by our soldiers stationed in Japan. It happens fairly frequently and some of the perpetrators get off pretty easy.
This wiki article mentions some of the incidences:
"From 1952 to 2004, there were approximately 200,000 accidents and crimes involving U.S. soldiers, in which 1,076 Japanese civilians died. Over 90% of the incidents were vehicle or traffic related.[10] According to the U.S.-Japan Status of Forces Agreement U.S. personnel have partial extraterritorial right, so in most cases suspects were not arrested by Japanese authorities.[10] In 1995, the abduction and rape of a 12-year-old Okinawan schoolgirl by two U.S. Marines and one U.S. sailor led to demands for the removal of all U.S. military bases in Japan."
United States Forces Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia