
the science behind this is actually fairly sound. Warmer water = more sharks and other sealife in different areas.

After thinking about this last night as I was falling asleep, I did come up with one way that warmer waters could be to blame. I think that it is a stretch, and I still don't think that the conclusion of this scientist is that global warming is increasing shark attacks. However, when a shark does find itself in shallow waters near the shore and that water is warmer than they like, it may be possible that the shark becomes more aggressive. I'm just not sure if I buy it though...
Exactly. I honestly hate when people take a small sample, in this case one year, or when people scoff at the idea of global warming because it snowed in Iraq or whatever.

The article that started this thread is a classic example. We have more attacks this year than last year. Big whoop! Wasn't the water as warm last year? Let's look at data on ocean temperatures over several decades and correlate that to shark attacks.

I hate that GW is the fall back cause for everything.
After thinking about this last night as I was falling asleep, I did come up with one way that warmer waters could be to blame. I think that it is a stretch, and I still don't think that the conclusion of this scientist is that global warming is increasing shark attacks. However, when a shark does find itself in shallow waters near the shore and that water is warmer than they like, it may be possible that the shark becomes more aggressive. I'm just not sure if I but it though...

Warm water is the same temperature as blood and sharks get the crazy eyes. Humans beware!

Also, GW has morphed seals to look more like humans and overheated, crazy-eyed sharks can't tell the difference.

Maybe, sharks are attacking because they don't like warm water and they blame humans for Global Warming. They are simply taking matters into their own hands...
Exactly. I honestly hate when people take a small sample, in this case one year, or when people scoff at the idea of global warming because it snowed in Iraq or whatever. You have to look at data over several years, even decades.

What I am saying is, there is way too many people saying that global warming is a fact, the problem most people are having with it is that people are being blamed for causing it. There is the real debate behind the issue. Are we, in effect, speeding up the warming cycle, or is this just natural?

I hope in my ramblings I touched on what you were saying.

Agree. One thing I do not understand is GW advocates and the models they put forth. Seems as though every model fails and they simply revise it and make a new model. The bottom line is there is way too much unknown in this science. I would even argue that instead of decades of research to understand it you would actually need hundreds if not thousands of years of studies to really understand the roots of all these different dynamics and where they come into play.
The real question is: Do they have lasers?

You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads! Now evidently my cycloptic colleague informs me that that cannot be done. Ah, would you remind me what I pay you people for, honestly? Throw me a bone here! What do we have?
After thinking about this last night as I was falling asleep, I did come up with one way that warmer waters could be to blame. I think that it is a stretch, and I still don't think that the conclusion of this scientist is that global warming is increasing shark attacks. However, when a shark does find itself in shallow waters near the shore and that water is warmer than they like, it may be possible that the shark becomes more aggressive. I'm just not sure if I but it though...

I am certainly not arguing that global warming is the reason, just saying it is not entirely outside the realm of possibility.
The article that started this thread is a classic example. We have more attacks this year than last year. Big whoop! Wasn't the water as warm last year? Let's look at data on ocean temperatures over several decades and correlate that to shark attacks.

I hate that GW is the fall back cause for everything.

It was hardly mentioned in this article, though. And...I'm not even sure who drew the connection. It is as silly to take the point seriously as it is to make the point in the first place, IMO.
It was hardly mentioned in this article, though. And...I'm not even sure who drew the connection. It is as silly to take the point seriously as it is to make the point in the first place, IMO.

Making such connections is at best a hobby with the MSM but more likely become almost an obligation. It's so bad I swear I sometimes think Gore or Soros or somebody actually pays people to create such leaps of association. I think I've posted this before but it fits so cleanly into this topic I thought it'd be worth doing again.


My current favorite is how global warming "could affect the future success of the Packers." As in the NFL football team. There's some great stuff on this list so be careful not to get carried away if you're at work. Enjoy!

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