I have been thinking about doing one of those shave clubs like Harry's or Dollar shave club. Anyone have any experiences with either? Pros/Cons?
Thanks. I really like Harry's set up. I normally use a 5 blade, but the cartridges are just so damn expensive. Just not sure the quality of the blades.
I haven't looked at Dollar Shave Club, but with harry's it asks how often you shave. I shave 2-3 times out of the week (lazy), so they would sent 8 cartridges every 3 months for basically $5 a month. So maybe what makes the shave better is the fact that you would actually be changing cartridges more. When I'm going to the store and paying $15-20 for a pack of 4 cartridges, I tend to use them too long to save them.
Those who have done the clubs, do you get any of their other chaving products?
I've thought about the whole safety razor deal, but every site I see about it, seems to be quite the ordeal in the prep and post work.
I've thought about the whole safety razor deal, but every site I see about it, seems to be quite the ordeal in the prep and post work.
You could try a safety razor setup. The razors are not that cheap but you only buy it once. The blades are sharp and cheap as dirt. You only need one good blade to shave.
Something like a Merkur razor and a 100 Feather blades will have you smooth as a baby's butt for a very long time on the cheap.
Amazon.com: safety razor - Merkur / Shaving & Hair Removal / Personal Care: Health & Personal Care
Amazon.com: 100 Feather Razor Blades NEW Hi-stainless Double Edge: Health & Personal Care
Everything will work better and clog was less if you toss the canned shaving cream stuff and try something like Cremo: http://www.amazon.com/Cremo-Astonishingly-Superior-Shave-Cream/dp/B009WQH8SA/ref=sr_1_9?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1440438330&sr=1-9&keywords=shaving+cream
When I went to sites about saftey razors, they said you should use a pre-shave, a soap with a brush, then after shave lotion, etc. Seems like it isn't suited for a "quick" shave. I just remember my dad always getting nicked with a safety razor.
Does Dollar Shave Really Save? - MarketWatch
Look into Dorco razors. Before I grew a beard, it's what I was using (and at that time I had to shave every day). Very good razors.