"My deputies will arrest them and put them in pink underwear. Count on it!"
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I have a much, much better idea. Those of you who do not believe in the US Constitution and US sovereignty should either find one of the many social democracies and move there or secede the blue states from the union.Clearly those state and local officials who do not agree with the decisions of a federal judge should secede from the union.
A shining example of liberal tolerance for those who have different ideals than their own.But this time around I say the progressives in the country shouldn't fight to maintain the country as one. Good riddance to you and your ilk, go live in Montana or Mississipi. After about three decades of more inbreeding, the genetic pool will get so shallow you'll basically all regress to the slugs you are already well on your way to being. The rest of us will continue on a path of enlightenment and technological advancement.
Please cite historical errors given by Beck. I know you don't like the history he gives because it is very, very inconvenient to the left for the truth to be known... but I'm interested in the errors you insenuate.Have fun shooting yourselves and taking cues on the history of the world from Glenn Beck.
I have a much, much better idea. Those of you who do not believe in the US Constitution and US sovereignty should either find one of the many social democracies and move there or secede the blue states from the union.
We aren't the one's who think the nation needs to be fundamentally changed.
A shining example of liberal tolerance for those who have different ideals than their own.
Please cite historical errors given by Beck. I know you don't like the history he gives because it is very, very inconvenient to the left for the truth to be known... but I'm interested in the errors you insenuate.
Of course, depending on what part of the progressive union they live in, it might take them a while to get down to the border in their $41,000 Government Motors Volt, driving an entire 40 miles before having to stop and recharge.
Of course, depending on what part of the progressive union they live in, it might take them a while to get down to the border in their $41,000 Government Motors Volt, driving an entire 40 miles before having to stop and recharge.
Clearly those state and local officials who do not agree with the decisions of a federal judge should secede from the union.
But this time around I say the progressives in the country shouldn't fight to maintain the country as one. Good riddance to you and your ilk, go live in Montana or Mississipi. After about three decades of more inbreeding, the genetic pool will get so shallow you'll basically all regress to the slugs you are already well on your way to being. The rest of us will continue on a path of enlightenment and technological advancement.
Have fun shooting yourselves and taking cues on the history of the world from Glenn Beck.
I'm sure she's already made his short list for when the next SCOTUS opening occurs.
Clearly those state and local officials who do not agree with the decisions of a federal judge should secede from the union.
But this time around I say the progressives in the country shouldn't fight to maintain the country as one. Good riddance to you and your ilk, go live in Montana or Mississipi. After about three decades of more inbreeding, the genetic pool will get so shallow you'll basically all regress to the slugs you are already well on your way to being. The rest of us will continue on a path of enlightenment and technological advancement.
Have fun shooting yourselves and taking cues on the history of the world from Glenn Beck.
"Today's ruling does not strike down SB1070. Her ruling only puts a hold on a few parts of the new law. Thats why her actions today are called a preliminary injunction.
"Those who are here in this state illegally my deputies will still ask about their status in this country and will arrest on existing state and federal immigration violations. State violators will be booked into my jails and federal violators will be turned over to authorities for possible deportation.
"As for my office, deputies are being briefed on SB1070 relative to the judges ruling today. In my jails, however, we will continue to investigate every person booked and if they are determined to be in the country illegally, they will be turned over to federal authorities (ICE).
"Anti-immigration protestors want amnesty and will taunt today that 1070 is dead. It is not."
I wish the Governor would take this position, tell this activist judge to come to Arizona and make me not enforce this law.
The sheriff didn't tell anybody to shove it, the feds let certain counties legally do what he does.
So he is doing what he can legally do in his county.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Back in 1996 (when fanny packs were still cool, in some circles) it was time to get tough on immigration, and an interesting little law was passed. Congress deemed it appropriate for state and local law enforcement to enforce immigration law. In the inscrutable manners of Washington (where all legislation seems to be named with insufferably cute acronyms or indecipherable legislative codes that read like security passwords), this law came to be known as 287g.
Want to know what 287g says? Well, just read the law in Arizona. Yes, that law. The one causing protests in the streets of Phoenix, hysteria on cable talk shows and confusion in the courts. The one that empowers state and local law enforcement to enforce immigration law.
The federal law that has been on the books for more than decade empowers state and local law enforcement to impose immigration law. According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, more than 60 jurisdictions in states across the country have taken advantage of this law.
Florida, Virginia, Oklahoma, Ohio, New Hampshire, California, and even Massachusetts are among the states in which local police are enforcing immigration law.
However, it is clear that this law undermines the DoJs pre-emption argument that states cant reallocate federal enforcement resources. Not only should they be able to do that on any rational sense of law enforcement does the DoJ reject referrals on drug charges because they dont like prosecuting a lot of those cases? but clearly Congress intended the states to do just that.
It makes a lot more sense to use existing state and local law enforcement to find and detain illegal immigrants and refer them to the feds than to create a new, large, and duplicative law enforcement agency under ICE in every state to do that job.
Congress should press DHS to deputize Arizonas police and sheriffs as part of the 287g program and end the nonsense lawsuit that puts the Obama administration in the position of suing to stop enforcement of laws its failing to enforce itself.
Whats very troubling is the fact that at a time when we in law enforcement and our state need help from the federal government, instead of sending help they put up billboard-size signs warning our citizens to stay out of the desert in my county because of dangerous drug and human smuggling and weapons and bandits and all these other things and then behind that they drag us into court with the ACLU,
If the president would do his job and secure the border; send 3,000 armed soldiers to the Arizona border and stop the illegal immigration and the drug smuggling and the violence, we wouldnt even be in this position and where were forced to take matters into our own hands,
The Internet is a large-scale version of the "Committees of Correspondence" that led to the first American Revolution and with Washington's failings now so obvious and awful,.............
The August issue of the American Rifleman reports that Senator Lautenberg (D-NJ), Rep. Peter King (R-NY) and Mayor Michael Bloomberg are promoting legislation under which nameless Federal bureaucrats can place any citizens name on a terrorist watchlist, after which it would be illegal for said citizen to buy or possess firearms. Secret courts, Star Chambers (Court sessions were held in secret, with no indictments, no right of appeal, no juries, and no witnesses), and bills of attainder are illegal and unconstitutional in this country so, should this law ever go into effect, we will simply not enforce it if we are selected for jury duty. This attack on the Constitution by de facto albeit not de jure domestic enemies of the United States Lautenberg, Bloomberg, and King, along with Eric Holders apparent decision that there shall be one U.S. Code for ordinary citizens and another U.S. Code for Barack Obama and New Black Panthers who display weapons outside of polling places, makes it imperative to educate every citizen on the power he or she actually has over the government.