Shooting in El Paso

Context is funny. You associate with the guy who mocked the family of a Muslim KIA soldier, referred to Hispanics as rapists and murderers, told four non-white legislators to "go back to where they came from", and had "Send her back!" chants at one of his rallies, you should probably lay low and keep race-related thoughts in your head...
I’m not the one calling minorities “brown people”, so marinate on that.
You do realize this thread is about the violence of White Nationalism and only if you identify as a Trump leghumper would that be considered name calling.
You guys and your leader Hillary called everyone who didn't vote for her deplorable. It's all the left can do. Racists, sexist, etc to anyone whp disagrees, not just trump supporters.
A fine group of people in this thread. Slice - racism doesn't exist. Joe - everyone is racist but me. Hog - I'm fine with it. Invol - I need a precise definition of racism.
Can you quote where I said everyone is racist but me. I'll tell you what'll be more fun, quote anything I've actually ever said that was sincerely racist.
There is not one reason that this keeps happening and it goes back well before Columbine. It's not just because kids are being over-prescribed medication. Sometimes they are just plain crazy. What I still consider to be the most bizarre school shooting ever was actually a girl... Google "Brenda Ann Spencer" or her quote "I don't like Mondays. This livens up the day." She had just shot 10 people at her school.
This guys dad. Surprised? Not I.

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They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

And yes, it came out where this journey coming up — women are raped at levels that nobody's ever seen before. They don't want to mention that. So we have to change our laws. And the Democrats, what they're doing is just — it's insanity. Nobody understands what's going on.

Show me the stats that prove that statement.
The term "mental illness" is getting way overused here. Firest of all, it is an extremely broad brush with which to paint. Secondly, what kind of mental illness would apply?
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Nope. I don't see any race baiting in what he has said. I have seen some truth which is different. Race baiting is claiming racism via lies. I'm not sure if Trump has lied about anyone being a racist.

Your definition is wrong.

the unfair use of statements about race to try to influence the actions or attitudes of a particular group of people

You don't see Trump trying to do that?

They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

At the very least this quote by Trump insinuates that a majority of the people Mexico is "sending" are drug dealing rapists.
Your definition is wrong.

You don't see Trump trying to do that?

At the very least this quote by Trump insinuates that a majority of the people Mexico is "sending" are drug dealing rapists.
What I see is Trump calling them out for their race baiting. That's it.

You guys have fell into the race baiting slime and you are covered in it.
DIMs on this board have fell overboard into the racist blame game.
Its literally all they have, no facts, just name calling.
If you're not a Democrat- racist
If you prove them wrong- racist
If they can't provide proof of anything- racist
Make them look bad- racist
Are you breathing?- racist
The Dayton shooter died 5 years ago so......




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