Should college football players be paid?

Originally posted by VolBeef88@Jun 23, 2005 8:33 AM
What do you guys think? Should NCAA allow for Football players to be paid?

No, they recieve a scholarship worth approximately $15,000 per year. BUT since the NCAA doesn't allow these kids to work off campus, I think a monthly stipend is in order. I'd suggest a monthly stipend of X dollars put on a sliding scale. The sliding scale would be related to their A) academic efforts, B) personal conduct and C) on their efforts on the practice field, film room and meetings.
Originally posted by VolBeef88@Jun 23, 2005 8:33 AM
What do you guys think? Should NCAA allow for Football players to be paid?

No. No freaking way. Thats whats makes the sport. These kids are playing for their love of the game and for their school. Start giving them money and they will demand more. Let'em play because they want to play. Not for $$$$$$.
If they need extra spending money, they can get a student loan. As a college grad that survived 4 years with loans and the Pell Grant, I don't recall any stipulations that athletes could not sign up for the same service.
Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Jun 23, 2005 8:46 AM
No, they recieve a scholarship worth approximately $15,000 per year.  BUT since the NCAA doesn't allow these kids to work off campus, I think a monthly stipend is in order.  I'd suggest a monthly stipend of X dollars put on a sliding scale.  The sliding scale would be related to  their A) academic efforts, B) personal conduct and C) on their efforts on the practice field, film room and meetings.

It is tough not being allowed to work. Sure, the scholarship pays for tuition, room and board, but you need money for clothes, food off-campus, dates, transportation, etc. I'm not certain that getting into student loan debt is the most reasonable solution.

A monthly stipend might not be a bad idea, but I don't think that it should depend on the above factors. If instituted, it should be a set amount given to each player. Like the scholarship, it is the player's to lose. If suspended or kicked off the team, the money goes, too. If you leave it on a "sliding scale," then it gives the impression that the player is being paid for performance, and that bird will never fly in the NCAA.
I like the stipend idea. One set amount across the board. I would not tie it in to performance on the field but I would make it dependent on class attendance and behavior off the field.
I thought players did receive a monthly stipend, but they say it is not enough. I don't remember the exact amount allowed but I think it was around $300/mo. They also receive travel expenses for away games and bowl games and LOTS of free stuff from the bowls. That's why you hear of some players meeting in Knox and driving to the Florida bowls, so they don't have to spend it on a plane ticket. College is about getting the opportunity to advance your future/career. Most will not play pro ball so they need to look at the scholly as a huge payday toward their future.

PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong on the stipend because I can't remember where I saw the info.
Aha, I found it. NCAA link

"Model 4: Permit institutions to provide student-athletes with the value of a full grant-in-aid plus $2000, wherein the $2000 is awarded in the form of a combined stipend and through monies earned through employment. An example of this model included a student-athlete who is awarded a full grant-in-aid plus a $600 stipend and then earns an additional $1400 through employment."
Athletes get PAID?

Athletes are no better than other students. I went through 4 years of college with NOTHING but what I could get from scholarships, grants and loans. No, I didn't have money for fancy vehicles, or extra-curricular activities since my on-campus job money never touched my fingertips, but I DID get a degree, which after all, is the number one priority when attending college.
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Jun 23, 2005 9:40 AM
It is tough not being allowed to work.  Sure, the scholarship pays for tuition, room and board, but you need money for clothes, food off-campus, dates, transportation, etc.  I'm not certain that getting into student loan debt is the most reasonable solution.

A monthly stipend might not be a bad idea, but I don't think that it should depend on the above factors.  If instituted, it should be a set amount given to each player.  Like the scholarship, it is the player's to lose.  If suspended or kicked off the team, the money goes, too.  If you leave it on a "sliding scale," then it gives the impression that the player is being paid for performance, and that bird will never fly in the NCAA.

I think we are saying the same thing. I wasn't saying playing time or performance during games should be a factor. But instead, one aspect was fully participating in football functions as well. As an example, missing team meetings (Schaeffer, et al) would result in a deduct from the monthly stipend. I absolutely agree that the stipend shouldn't depend on performance, playing time, etc., but a kid must fulfill his obligations to the team.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jun 23, 2005 10:59 AM
Athletes get PAID?
Athletes are no better than other students. I went through 4 years of college with NOTHING but what I could get from scholarships, grants and loans. No, I didn't have money for fancy vehicles, or extra-curricular activities since my on-campus job money never touched my fingertips, but I DID get a degree, which after all, is the number one priority when attending college.

LIO, being somewhat argumentative in nature, I would like to mention the following.

Student athletes spend thousands of hours each year practicing, playing, team meetings, visiting hospitals, doing interviews, etc. Between the coursework and their sport, they serve the university many times greater than you and I did while in college. Many of these kids came from much lesser incomes than you or I (believe it or not). I believe it would be beneficial for them to have some spending money. $600 per year = $50 per month. You know you girls would be offended if a guy asked you on a date to Krystal...right?
Originally posted by VolBeef88@Jun 23, 2005 8:33 AM
What do you guys think? Should NCAA allow for Football players to be paid?

No. No. No. NO!

Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Jun 23, 2005 12:06 PM
LIO, being somewhat argumentative in nature, I would like to mention the following.

Student athletes spend thousands of hours each year practicing, playing, team meetings, visiting hospitals, doing interviews, etc.  Between the coursework and their sport, they serve the university many times greater than you and I did while in college.  Many of these kids came from much lesser incomes than you or I (believe it or not).  I believe it would be beneficial for them to have some spending money.  $600 per year = $50 per month.  You know you girls would be offended if a guy asked you on a date to Krystal...right?

BHAMVOLFAN, you know I love you, and I'm not trying to be smart alecky about this issue. :kiss: BUT........

Nobody could have a lesser income than I did when I went to college. The financial aid advisor told me I had an "index of 0" which meant that my family could contribute nothing toward my education. I remember one Saturday night when I was really excited because I had 50 cents and could buy a COKE from the coke machine to drink while I watched TV in my room. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, but when I hear about these athletes having Denalis and dressing to the nines in designer clothes and pretty much being treated likes gods on campus, something tells me I went to the wrong school. As for their community service obligations, as an Education major, I had to do community service like mentoring an inner city kid, go to schools and work for free and help at any department of Education function. So please, don't tell me how "bad" these athletes have it.Been there, done that, and WOULD have bought the T-shirt, but I didn't have the money.

I apologize for the personal reference and more info than anyone cared to know, but I wanted to make a point.
And as for being "insulted" by a date to Krystal, if I liked the guy,I wouldn't care where he took me. But I'm not a very high-maintenance woman.

No, I think it would interfere with some of their "crime careers". The NCAA needs to re-instate the the policy on athletic dorms.

There is probably no miracle cure for what ails ANY athletic department today. I say have a "two-strikes you're out" policy and enforce it.
I agree with L-In-Or' . To keep two and three-time LOSERS around is dangerous to your team. Ya just don't need the bad publicity. Besides, who is so "good" he or she can not be replaced??

Seriously, the NCAA needs a "100 - level" course on "Maturity & Growing-Up." But of course, the NCAA is spineless and perpetuates the problem. Spoil-em and send them to the mighty NFL or where-ever.

Maybe the coach is the wrong person to be discipling players. Maybe players should have to go before an academic dean or a student council if they are arrested or don't go to class. That way Fulmer doesn't have to take any heat on the issues...but I don't know, that might create more problems than it would solve.
The coach shouldn't have to deal with discipline ( you KNOW I would say that, being a teacher). He has enough on his plate with training, designing plays, etc. I still say that if a kid wants to be on a team, his behavior will reflect that.
Welll......I don't think they should be paid based on the amount of money given to them for food/expenses on trips.

I think the number for the Cotton Bowl was somewhere around 1400.00 for the few weeks they were there.

what's that old saying "If your Momma didn't teach you no better, what am I supposed to do with you?"

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