She can't - her new image is a "fighter". Dropping out would hurt her more. She'll stay in until the end of May at least when there's a meeting to determine what to do about Michigan and Florida. All that time she'll be praying for a major FU by Obama
she thinks the Presidency is owed to her.....therefore she is in it until the super delegates force her out. After a McCain victory over Obama..... she runs for Gov of New York or makes a bid for Majority leader and gears up for 2012
She'll try for 2012. She needs to tear Obama down. She needs McCain to win the election, thus 12 straight years of a R in the WH. People will be sick of it by then and she can win it in 2012.
She'll try for 2012. She needs to tear Obama down. She needs McCain to win the election, thus 12 straight years of a R in the WH. People will be sick of it by then and she can win it in 2012.
only when it comes to $$$. Call me selfish but I like keeping what I earn and making my own decisions with it. I disagree with both parties on many social issues. Free thinker party! :rock:
come on FV, you've read my posts and see me as a repub? Just cause I don't believe socialism is the answer? I actually believe in more personal freedom than either party offers
come on FV, you've read my posts and see me as a repub? Just cause I don't believe socialism is the answer? I actually believe in more personal freedom than either party offers