First of all let me say that I am on the fence on this issue. I have seen studies that show both the benefits and drawbacks of MJ, I think it could produce some revenue but that is a poor reason for legalization. Any money that is made from taxing MJ will just end up being spent anyway. Instead of encouraging our leaders to spend more money we need to make sure they spend less.
I have seen studies that show the both the benefits and drawbacks to using MJ. There are some serious implications to legalization, of that there is little question. I don't think they are overlooking it at all. I think it is more a matter of people wanting to be sure the benefits outweigh the risks.
I think the reason you see more government officials willing to take a look at this is more a product of desperation due to the economy. They government is looking for any way to make ends meet in some areas of the country. Once you legalize MJ there is no turning back, prohibition showed the country this much.
The government sticks it's nose in all kinds of affairs for the public good, some are legitimate and some are not. I think the best case you can make for legalizing MJ is that the government has no business telling people what they can and cannot do with their bodies. Of course if that is the case then all drugs should be legal.
My final thought is that if we tall the government to stop meddling in our daily lives then we must also be supportive of a businesses right to refuse employment to anyone who uses drugs. I wonder how many drug users would complain when they were denied employment because they used a legal substance that their potential employer had a policy of no tolerance on?
Just some thoughts, please feel free to comment.