Show of hands on peaceful outcome of election.........

I'm hoping for a slaughter, unquestionable winning percentage. Both electoral and popular vote.
I'm sick of all the bitching and crying and 24/7 politics.
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One candidate, Biden, has consistently called for peaceful acceptance of results. Protests if need be, but always non-violent and he has consistently decried violence in politics.

The other, Trump, has made inconsistent comments. He will say he opposes violence of any kind, but then in the same breath or the very next will make some comment that appears to at least flirt with the idea of being happy if it happens in support of him. It has been a problem since day one for him, and in many respects, not just this one. This slight of hand thing by him, always seeming to have a proviso for every good thing he might say, is just tiresome.
But Biden's mother Hillary has a different take. Hillary Clinton says Biden should not concede the election 'under any circumstances'
One candidate, Biden, has consistently called for peaceful acceptance of results. Protests if need be, but always non-violent and he has consistently decried violence in politics.

The other, Trump, has made inconsistent comments. He will say he opposes violence of any kind, but then in the same breath or the very next will make some comment that appears to at least flirt with the idea of being happy if it happens in support of him. It has been a problem since day one for him, and in many respects, not just this one. This slight of hand thing by him, always seeming to have a proviso for every good thing he might say, is just tiresome.

What would there be to protest? If someone is democratically elected by the rules of this country you have no room to protest. If you don't agree with the system then move to a country with a system you like better or move to amend the constitution but protesting the results because you don't like them is stupid.
What would there be to protest? If someone is democratically elected by the rules of this country you have no room to protest. If you don't agree with the system then move to a country with a system you like better or move to amend the constitution but protesting the results because you don't like them is stupid.

Lol. Try civics 101.

Seriously, is this what University of Tennessee teaches people???
One candidate, Biden, has consistently called for peaceful acceptance of results. Protests if need be, but always non-violent and he has consistently decried violence in politics.

The other, Trump, has made inconsistent comments. He will say he opposes violence of any kind, but then in the same breath or the very next will make some comment that appears to at least flirt with the idea of being happy if it happens in support of him. It has been a problem since day one for him, and in many respects, not just this one. This slight of hand thing by him, always seeming to have a proviso for every good thing he might say, is just tiresome.
Biden can call for that because he knows the violence is already taken care of. It's inevitable
One candidate, Biden, has consistently called for peaceful acceptance of results. Protests if need be, but always non-violent and he has consistently decried violence in politics.

The other, Trump, has made inconsistent comments. He will say he opposes violence of any kind, but then in the same breath or the very next will make some comment that appears to at least flirt with the idea of being happy if it happens in support of him. It has been a problem since day one for him, and in many respects, not just this one. This slight of hand thing by him, always seeming to have a proviso for every good thing he might say, is just tiresome.

Are you really this ignorant.
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So, by your logic, conservatives are the moral group? And as the moral group, they have chosen Trump as their leader? I am sorry, I am not following your logic.
Im not saying their a perfect moral group, their more moral than the new marxist party.
This ain't last time. Polling companies have actually adjusted their polling strategies and methods to try and avoid such errors. Other than remember last time, why do you believe he is going to win?
I have no idea who is going to win but people seem way more energized for Trump.... I don’t believe for a second polling companies have made a difference adjusting. Their strategies.... it’s very hard to do accurate polling any more with landlines going away and the public being so jaded.
Because I don't think there are enough people willing to vote against Trump as there are for him.

This so called "hatred" of him isn't as widespread as Democrats hope. Adding in recent events and its giving people the resolve to see this through and a second term.

Good to see you, again.

I think it is pretty widespread. I also think that dick measuring using rally size is a fools errand. I haven't seen the odd adulation of Trump supporters in my lifetime relating to any other president. They act like star struck teenage girls at a One Direction concert.
Sure you can but you are a petulant child if you protest because your candidate didn't win.

Depends on why.

If Trump voters think that Biden won because their state counted absentee ballots received after 11/3, then perhaps they will protest the result.

If Biden voters think that Trump won because their state did not count absentee ballots received after 11/3, perhaps they will protest the result.

This exact issue has arisen in Michigan, with the Supreme Court recently refusing to take up the Trump administration's efforts to limit counting of votes. Why wouldn't Biden voters be skpetical of the true motivation of Trump administration efforts like that (and there are many other examples)?
Good to see you, again.

I think it is pretty widespread. I also think that dick measuring using rally size is a fools errand. I haven't seen the odd adulation of Trump supporters in my lifetime relating to any other president. They act like star struck teenage girls at a One Direction concert.

He's not the only one the "fans" are star struck over. Obama had his star struck "teenage girls" as well.

But again, I don't think it's a bad as they want. No President is ever going to be universally loved like past ones were, but we're too polarized to ever have both parties respectful of the opposing candidate. I don't think the hatred for Trump is enough to overcome at this point.

BTW, you might want to check with the kid. One Direction broke up some time ago which she probably knows. Time to up your pop culture affairs knowledge, dad.
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He's not the only one the "fans" are star struck over. Obama had his star struck "teenage girls" as well.

But again, I don't think it's a bad as they want. No President is ever going to be universally loved like past ones were, but we're too polarized to ever have both parties respectful of the opposing candidate. I don't think the hatred for Trump is enough to overcome at this point.

BTW, you might want to check with the kid. One Direction broke up some time ago which she probably knows. Time to up your pop culture affairs knowledge, dad.

I mean, the data suggests that this election is practically a forgone conclusion. I'm tired of people pointing to 2016 because in addition to new methods of data collection, the numbers are vastly different in rust belt and battleground states.

The early voting numbers are telling. The utter disdain for the dickturd in charge is looking to be more than enough.
I mean, the data suggests that this election is practically a forgone conclusion. I'm tired of people pointing to 2016 because in addition to new methods of data collection, the numbers are vastly different in rust belt and battleground states.

The early voting numbers are telling. The utter disdain for the dickturd in charge is looking to be more than enough.

I chalk it up to the polls being inaccurate as well as other items mentioned in other threads. Basically, Biden doesn't excite people enough to vote for him over Trump. People like to point to the Never-Trump crowd as being a turning point. First, those votes were never going Trump's way anyway. Two, Biden isn't getting enough traction with the "centrist" voters enough to sway them over. He's just too wishy washy on his positions.

People, the majority of them at least, are okay with continuing the status quo so long as their wallets aren't affected. They also see who specifically is keeping places locked down. I can't see people going against the grain when things are starting to get back to "normal" in a lot of places.
I still have a hard time believing pollsters can get enough people on the phone to conduct a reliable survey.
I chalk it up to the polls being inaccurate as well as other items mentioned in other threads. Basically, Biden doesn't excite people enough to vote for him over Trump. People like to point to the Never-Trump crowd as being a turning point. First, those votes were never going Trump's way anyway. Two, Biden isn't getting enough traction with the "centrist" voters enough to sway them over. He's just too wishy washy on his positions.

People, the majority of them at least, are okay with continuing the status quo so long as their wallets aren't affected. They also see who specifically is keeping places locked down. I can't see people going against the grain when things are starting to get back to "normal" in a lot of places.

Again, the data directly contradicts your gut on this.

Polls have margins of error, sure, but even swinging those in Trump's favor doesn't bode well for him or his voters. Vegas odds are stacking more in more towards Biden every day.

If we're going to pure speculation, look at each campaign. Biden's campaign is pretty much on autopilot at this point while Trump's is flailing and lashing out desperately. I subscribed to both camp's through an email address and I'm easily getting ten times more spam from the Don and his offspring than I am from Biden/Harris.
What's 'reliable' in hogworld?

They're correct far more often than not.

Historically I will agree but we're in a different world now that we were in 2012. In 2012 almost 60% of homes had landlines, today only about 40% have them so I figure it's much harder for pollsters to actually talk to people since most people don't answer their cell phone for numbers they don't know.
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Again, the data directly contradicts your gut on this.

Polls have margins of error, sure, but even swinging those in Trump's favor doesn't bode well for him or his voters. Vegas odds are stacking more in more towards Biden every day.

If we're going to pure speculation, look at each campaign. Biden's campaign is pretty much on autopilot at this point while Trump's is flailing and lashing out desperately. I subscribed to both camp's through an email address and I'm easily getting ten times more spam from the Don and his offspring than I am from Biden/Harris.

I wouldn't call it my gut, but rather the underlying momentum building in Trump's favor. I don't trust polls at all since 2016. Even the midterms two years ago weren't as accurate as they want.

Again, factors, and not just the emails, are not going in Biden's favor. His lack of answers on the SCOTUS question, not answering the email question and what he knows or not, his tax plan has a lot of people asking WTF, his flip flopping on fracking, inconsistent environmental policies just to name a few. Just a lot of things adding up close to the election that are not in his favor.

Two months ago I would have agreed it was Biden's to lose. Just like 9 months ago, it was Trump's to lose. Unlike 2016, I feel more confident in a Trump reelection than I do in people voting against him.

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