Shuler wins Democratic congressional primary

This about wraps it up, from the Shuler for Congress Homepage

I am running for Congress because we need to refocus the priorities of our government. Far too many families in Western North Carolina are struggling to earn a decent living, educate their children, and pay for health care. Congress is spending too much time playing partisan politics, instead of working to find solutions to the real problems facing our families.

So, he is for welfare, medicare, and more Federal dollars being pumped into schools that no amount of money will ever help. Good for you Heath!

(patrick @ May 5 said:


Now the Liberals, aka Democrats, will tell you that all that spending is paid for with Federal Money as if the Federal Government actually has any money they didn't suck it out of our pockets like economic leeches.

Hopefully, Heath will turn out to be a closet Conservative and not just another typically Socialistic Democrat in the mold of the Kennedy, Gore, Carey, Sharpton, McKinney, Jesse Jackson, etc., etc., etc.,
He is running on what everyone wants to hear a state full of poor families. Hopefully he wil stick the course if that is what he chooses and not get caught up in the politics. Personally, am with the RealUT, this will take higher taxes to pay for his platform. He doesn't come across to me as someone who really give a sh*t about the little man. Think this is his platform only to get elected. Hard time believing he "really" feels that way.
Western North Carolina is also filled with thousands of rich retirees....

I am surprised he would be a democrat considering he is/was a small business owner. I think Shuler was a decent player at UT, but I do believe he liked the limelight a bunch...maybe anyone probably would in his position be that way. With that said, politics is a perfect way for him to stay in that limelight. Interesting that he is so concerned about the poor but I am sure he will forget their plight in the black tie dinners and limousines...

About the only downside to him playing at UT was Benjii being given a spot on the roster.
(Volunteer @ May 6 said:
Western North Carolina is also filled with thousands of rich retirees....

I am surprised he would be a democrat considering he is/was a small business owner. I think Shuler was a decent player at UT, but I do believe he liked the limelight a bunch...maybe anyone probably would in his position be that way. With that said, politics is a perfect way for him to stay in that limelight. Interesting that he is so concerned about the poor but I am sure he will forget their plight in the black tie dinners and limousines...

About the only downside to him playing at UT was Benjii being given a spot on the roster.

Heath has milked 2 years of starting at QB and a failed NFL career for all it is worth. Guy turned my stomach when, as soon as he turned pro, he started charging for autographs and started that 21 Inc. hat company all the while saying it wasn't about the money. Right Heath. Bet you're really running to represent the common man, too.

Benji, king of the wide receiver quick screen that went for -2 yards. what are his career stats are 15 catches, -25 yards.
He was a great Volunteer.

I remember his recruitment and the excitement in Vol land when he came to UT.

It's just a crying shame that something didn't take. Knoxville is a hotbed of Republican territory. It always has been. Even during the Civil War, East Tennessee was a strong Republican area. What some may not know is; the area actually sent companies of soldiers to both armies. The farther East you went in the state, the stronger Republican sympathies grew.

What a shame Heath could spend 3 years on The Hill and come out a Democrat. :D
Judging by some of his decisions, and his inability to learn how to read pro defenses I would say that the Democratic party suits his intelect perfectly.
(Lexvol @ May 6 said:
Judging by some of his decisions, and his inability to learn how to read pro defenses I would say that the Democratic party suits his intelect perfectly.

this board was not set up to discuss politics. With that said; we could of used ole heath last year. In fact the past few hears we've desperately misse atheletes like him and Tee Martin. WE've had to settle for atheletes like Ricky, Joey, A.J. and a coach like Randy didn't help any either.
(JasonCajun @ May 6 said:
Heath has milked 2 years of starting at QB and a failed NFL career for all it is worth. Guy turned my stomach when, as soon as he turned pro, he started charging for autographs and started that 21 Inc. hat company all the while saying it wasn't about the money. Right Heath. Bet you're really running to represent the common man, too.

Benji, king of the wide receiver quick screen that went for -2 yards. what are his career stats are 15 catches, -25 yards.
I bought my son an autographed poster of Shuler in Gatlingburg after he had turned pro(Shuler, not my son) and told him: "Hold on to this Boy. It will be worth something one day." It went down in value with every interception with the 'Skins and now is worthless. :cry:
I think he stands a very good chance with that district considering the amount of jobs in the factories, mills, etc. that fled to other countries. His opponent helped open the door for the companies to head elsewhere. Not too many people are thrilled with the government basically letting jobs go to other countries. He could run on this alone and probably win.

As for the crack at him wanting more federal spending being a Democrat, I don't think Federal spending could get any worse and from one of THE most 'conservative' governments (Congress and White House) in US history. if the Dems took control, the only way they could go is CUT government spending unless they want the status quo.
(JasonCajun @ May 5 said:
Well, at least it got him out of Knoxville. Sorry, just can't stand the guy.

We're glad to have him back over here. Now if he can just go on to Washington and send do-nothing Charles Taylor back home to NC where he belongs, everything will be hunky-dory. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
(Volunteer @ May 6 said:
Western North Carolina is also filled with thousands of rich retirees....

Unfortunately, those rich retirees here are New Joisey transplants that screwed up Florida and then migrated North. By the way, don't argue with me on this. I live here and I know.
(wncvolfan @ May 8 said:
We're glad to have him back over here. Now if he can just go on to Washington and send do-nothing Charles Taylor back home to NC where he belongs, everything will be hunky-dory. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

You're welcome to have him. :D
(CSpindizzy @ May 8 said:
Not too many people are thrilled with the government basically letting jobs go to other countries. He could run on this alone and probably win.

The government can not keep jobs from going overseas. Afterall they aren't the governments jobs, they are private sector jobs. It is a result of having to pay too much for unskilled labor.

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