I bet Butch Davis will have a much nicer website.(utfantilidie @ Jun 29 said:
Now how did that get there?
(volsfan711 @ Jun 29 said:how does the winningest active coach not make the list
(VolunteerHillbilly @ Jun 29 said:It's not all that comforting that two of your division Rivals are consdiered to have Top 10 coaches and another divisional rival's coach has notched an 8-2 record vs. your coach. All I see is that at best UT has the fourth best coach in the SEC East right now.
P.S. now means the present day, not 8 years ago.
(VolunteerHillbilly @ Jun 29 said:It's not all that comforting that two of your division Rivals are consdiered to have Top 10 coaches and another divisional rival's coach has notched an 8-2 record vs. your coach. All I see is that at best UT has the fourth best coach in the SEC East right now.
P.S. now means the present day, not 8 years ago.
(85Destiny @ Jun 29 said:I have bought Phil Steele the last five years and just remembered he picked us to finish third in the east last season.
Agree with you 100%. Meyer may go on to do some great things, but as of right now I don't think he has done anything to be regarded as top 10.(VolinArizona @ Jun 29 said:I really have a problem with Meyer being on the top 10 and people like Tedford and Tuberville being left off. I think Meyer has a great future and has accomplished some nice things, but he hasn't proven himself enough to be a top 10 coach.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 29 said:Exactly how many BCS bowls has Tedford led Cal to?