Si Story On The Fight...........

Unfortunate situation. If preliminary information is correct, its time for him to go. I had high hopes for him this year. I was predicting him to win the Most Improved Defensive Player Award for spring practice.WIth the guys at LB that will be out or limited for spring practice, I thought he would really get a chance to shine. Some people that I have talked to that have met Brooks says that he is actually a descent guy with a good heart, but has a bad temper at times.

When looking ahead to net year, I think it is very imortant that we do well on the recruiting front with LBs this year. With the losses of Gaither, SIimon, Mitchell, Poe, and Brooks(if hes booted), we are all of a sudden very thin at LB and that tlaent is unproven to this point. I expect us to probably bring in probably 4 LBs this year. I would imagine that our situation will be very attractive for some big-time High School LBs. Losing our 3 starting LBs and two of there backups presents an immediate opportunity for LB prospects. I expect us to sign a few very highly regarded LBs.
good post Wizard. I thought we did good this year at LB. Last year we brought in Ayers. So I agree that Brooks is kind of a make or break guy. With him I think we are in good shape but without him I think we tip to the other side of being thin. Of course it is no secret that Brooks has had plenty of trouble grasping the defense and there is doubt if he would contribute on defense even if he stays on the team. I TIVO either all the games or the Fulmer show. You can just about make a highlight film of Brooks just killing folks on special teams. Some of the best hits I have ever seen. You would love to see him catch on to the defense and become a player..............
I am a JCM grad so I hate to see him disgrace a program that I put on the map along with Al Wilson.

I don't remember Al Wilson being a thug. I remember him leading our defense in 98 to the national championship.
I never said Wilson was a thug. He is a great leader. Rayford Collins the legendary Jackson Boxing Coach said Wilson could have been the best boxer he ever coached if he had stayed with it. High praise when he coached 3 national champions and three olympians. (Jackie Beard, Danny Tidwell, and Daryl Fuller).
He wasn't a thug, but a lot of players on the football team were scared of Big Al. He was one tough dude and he would let you know it too.
That's right. He stepped up during the '97 SECCG at halftime. I won't go into the details as we have all heard it by now, but the team became his when he got into the face of Manning and read him the riot act. With tears rolling down his cheeks Big Al told everybody what it meant to him to win the SECCG and he was not about to come up short.
Originally posted by VolzOwn@Mar 9, 2005 12:21 PM
Shouldnt mess with them Qs....Que Psi -1-

LOL no one should mess with them! They cannot even dress boots and army pants with a purple shirts? What in the world!
Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Mar 9, 2005 1:03 PM
Pardon my ignorance. Are "Q's" Omega Psi Phi's?

Yes Bhamvol the "Q-dawgs" as they liked to be called.
I alwys thought Al Wilson played for Milan and not JCM. Was he not a running back in HS or do I have him confused with another player from Milan that played LB at UT?

As for Brooks, I believe that would be 3 strikes now. UT has proven they can recruit what they need when it is needed. Get rid of the distraction before he strikes again (no pun intended). UT does not need any unnecessary mid-week issues during the season with the schedule that faces them.
no Big Al was a JCM Cougar all the way ! I think you may be talking about Ernest Fields. He was a pretty good LB for the Vols, I think in the early 90's.

Wilson did return kicks for the Cougars. Against Northside the coach told him he needed something special to get the team Al took the opening kickoff to the house and came back to the sideline as asked "how was that coach". Man, I sure do admire the things that Al Wilson did for JCM and the Vols.
Ill tell you guys this...Brooks likes to run his matter where he is...but the problem is he always picks on the smallest of the group...Both times he fought a frat member he fought someone 150 lbs. Are you kidding me? Brooks is an as*h0|e...Hopefully he doesnt get the boot out of knoxville too soon...He and Bo deserve an a$$ kicking. Que Psi -1-

And as far as the comment about our have no clue what any of the colors mean, so please dont pick fun. But im out! QUE PSI!! ROOO ROOO!!!
man I really like this board. Looks like we are getting the inside scoop today. I think Brooks is going to end up like Banks. Fulmer just is not going to put the program at risk for anybody. Better to cut your losses when it is clear that a player cannot mend his ways.
Originally posted by Jefw@Mar 9, 2005 3:49 PM
I alwys thought Al Wilson played for Milan and not JCM. Was he not a running back in HS or do I have him confused with another player from Milan that played LB at UT?

As for Brooks, I believe that would be 3 strikes now. UT has proven they can recruit what they need when it is needed. Get rid of the distraction before he strikes again (no pun intended). UT does not need any unnecessary mid-week issues during the season with the schedule that faces them.

You are thinking of Floyd Miley.
Originally posted by VolzOwn@Mar 9, 2005 3:57 PM
And as far as the comment about our have no clue what any of the colors mean, so please dont pick fun. But im out! QUE PSI!! ROOO ROOO!!!

Dude every black frat in the country makes fun of yalls gold boots!! Because it dont match with anything! I could care less about the colors I was not making fun of that. Just the gold boots!
dude, Floyd Miley was from Florida. He is thinking of Ernest Fields.

Actually there was a guy with the last name of Kidd that was a lb from Milan. His first name escapes me at the moment. It could be him.
George Kidd is who you are thinking of. floy Miley was a running back in high school as well. He was indeed from Fort Lauderdale, however.

It is probably Earnest Fields he is thinking of.
yes, that's right. George. Thanks for the clarification. I remember Miley was #22 and was a scrappy little cornerback.
I used to always get Miley and Fields confused. Don't ask why.

Miley returned the blocked ep against Old Maid in 1990, and the famous blocked fg against ND in 1991.

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