Siap...Arthur brown

I think Arthur was still at Miami at the time of Bryce's press conference where he picked Tennessee
No, the only time that Arthur was in the equation was in Bryce's initial recruitment, when K-State was the competition for his signature because his brother Arthur played there, and his family wanted him to stay close.

And that was before Dooley came on the scene. The only thing that Bryce's dad begged for apparently was a free release with no restrictions or sitting out a year. I think that was it.

Good ole Volnation. Where if you obviously have no clue about something it's okay. Just make it up as if it were fact.
Just chalk it up as a learning tool. You screw something up on here you will be crucified, jeered & laughed at for 5 pages till you get it right or apologize for your typo.
This is the brother of Bryce brown correct? If I remember correctly the father came here to try to persuade Dooley to add Arthur to the team. Apparently Dooley determined Arthur wasn't good enough even though we were desperately thin at lb. had we added Arthur we likely would've gotten Bryce back as well. Man, is it just me or do we almost every day get another reminder about how bad of a coach dooley was. Brown was on several "best left" after the first round lists and was the big 12 defensive player of the year! Ya he probably couldn't have helped. Thanks Dooley! The gift that keeps on giving.

You remember incorrectly
No. Someone puts a gun to my head and makes me go on volnation everyday. Seriously what are u talking about. Maybe everything was exaggerated, and I don't have a link, but I definitely remember during the whole is he coming back saga, that the father or handler wanted us to take Arthur and Dooley said no. Why would u ask if I watch ut football. Because spellcheck changed Bryce to Bruce once? Just cuirous.

Spell check missed something...seirously
Lol at the "Siap" in the thread if someone was thinking this.

It's not possible to consider somebody else may have started a thread on him in the past considering he's in the draft this year and could have potentially been here?

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