SIAP What is the deal with John Adams?

I quit reading the News Sentinel years ago because of Adams. He keeps writing, they keep losing subscriptions, and the newspaper keeps getting less and less profitable. As much as VN hates Adams, the NS stockholders should hate him even more. But he's not totally useless. We can use him for a bad example.
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I quit reading the News Sentinel years ago because of Adams. He keeps writing, they keep losing subscriptions, and the newspaper keeps getting less and less profitable. As much as VN hates Adams, the NS stockholders should hate him even more. But he's not totally useless. We can use him for a bad example.

You just described every newspaper in the country.

I used to enjoy reading Adams' articles but he's been really reaching for stories as of late. I read them and find some humor in them, but he was much more creative 20 years ago.
The best writing about the best thing in Knoxville comes our way courtesy of Chattanooga. Go figure.
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I don't know what's worse, Adams's columns (which I don't think they are too bad given the state of the program) or the fact that people on here are too dumb to realize reposting his columns, commenting on them, etc keep them coming.
You just described every newspaper in the country.

I used to enjoy reading Adams' articles but he's been really reaching for stories as of late. I read them and find some humor in them, but he was much more creative 20 years ago.

Twenty years of consistently producing sarcasm-laden drivel is enough to grate on anyone's nerves.
This is what I mean by being a media hack. They sit in a group and circle jerk each other. They pass out their awards like the Pulitzer Prize to plagiarizers and "journalists" who stage events to advance their agendas. They deserve more disdain than lawyers or politicians, but they can manipulate the public to believe any thing they say and print because they have a forum. John Adams fits right in with them.

How do lawyers get thrown into EVERYTHING. For every dirty lawyer there are 100 honest attorneys just trying to do the right thing.
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I don't know what's worse, Adams's columns (which I don't think they are too bad given the state of the program) or the fact that people on here are too dumb to realize reposting his columns, commenting on them, etc keep them coming.

No. Adams tone and the general sentiments expressed toward Tennessee athletics were sarcastic and caustic in nature before there were internet message boards to post on. It's just what he does and it has nothing to do with the current state of the program. You would have read much the same thing from him between '95-'01 when Tenn won National Titles in 3 different sports and not even Pat Summitt was immune.
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No. Adams tone and the general sentiments expressed toward Tennessee athletics were sarcastic and caustic in nature before there were internet message boards to post on. It's just what he does and it has nothing to do with the current state of the program. You would have read much the same thing from him between '95-'01 when Tenn won National Titles in 3 different sports and not even Pat Summitt was immune.

He was on the bandwagon in 1998.
Just don't give him the clicks.

Since I quit going to GVX a few years ago it's like JA doesn't even exist.
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Most of his columns are written tongue-in-cheek and a lot of our fans aren't smart enough to realize that.

That would be fine if they were clever or entertaining to read.

They aren't.

They're drivel and a complete waste of time.
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Most of his columns are written tongue-in-cheek and a lot of our fans aren't smart enough to realize that.

Failure to appreciate Adams' columns has nothing to do with intelligence...If tongue in cheek is what he is going for then his stuff should be funny once in a while.
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I haven't gone to GVX or clicked on a single Adams article since I found VN back in 2011.. It's just too bad that it took me that long to find VN.
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Failure to appreciate Adams' columns has nothing to do with intelligence...If tongue in cheek is what he is going for then his stuff should be funny once in a while.

Don't read it, then. If you get so butthurt over him, why subject yourself to it? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.
Don't read it, then. If you get so butthurt over him, why subject yourself to it? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

Thats a really good idea. I started following that rule a few years ago....just wish I'd done it alot sooner.
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That would be fine if they were clever or entertaining to read.

They aren't.

They're drivel and a complete waste of time.

I almost always find them amusing. Clearly, so do many people or he wouldn't still be employed in the current newspaper culture of cuts and forced retirements.

I always find it interesting how many people take the "I don't like it so everyone else should hate it too" attitude. Reasonable people can disagree on what's entertaining.

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