Sinoloa Cartel Leaders Arrested

Given the power void, cartel leadership will kill each other in the coming weeks. This will have effects beyond these two.
You should watch Narcos Mexico. There will be a power struggle and once it shakes out, it’s back to business as usual. This did exactly zero to stop the flow of anything into this country. But a nice wall, a couple of billion or so diverted from our defense budget to our Customs and Border patrol and the willingness to prosecute and deport others by our mostly feckless DOJ would help a lot more.
You should watch Narcos Mexico. There will be a power struggle and once it shakes out, it’s back to business as usual. This did exactly zero to stop the flow of anything into this country. But a nice wall, a couple of billion or so diverted from our defense budget to our Customs and Border patrol and the willingness to prosecute and deport others by our mostly feckless DOJ would help a lot more.
Never said this would ultimately change things. But all the top underbosses will be killing each other over the coming weeks and months until some ruthless mofo prevails.
Never said this would ultimately change things. But all the top underbosses will be killing each other over the coming weeks and months until some ruthless mofo prevails.
Is that progress?
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You don't happen by chance to have a bridge to sell me, do you?

Drugs and cartels cannot be fought. Especially from a legal system approach.
This right here ^^^^^^

Wanna get rid of them? Kill every last one of them. No trial, no jail, no quarter. That would even be temporary though, and would likely just open up other markets. Where there is a fortune to be made, some will always take the risk, legal or not.
The only way to win the 'war on drugs' is by making it so there is no demand. Cigarette smoking is at all time lows because demand was targeted.
If we cannot curtail demand, the smart move is to make it legal. Grow it, produce it here and cut the cartels out of the money.
Never said this would ultimately change things. But all the top underbosses will be killing each other over the coming weeks and months until some ruthless mofo prevails.

Yes, they will be killing each other and a lot of innocent bystanders that just happen to get in the way on both sides of the border.
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The only way to win the 'war on drugs' is by making it so there is no demand. Cigarette smoking is at all time lows because demand was targeted.
If we cannot curtail demand, the smart move is to make it legal. Grow it, produce it here and cut the cartels out of the money.

Yes but then how would the CIA fund all of their off the books crap?
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The only way to win the 'war on drugs' is by making it so there is no demand. Cigarette smoking is at all time lows because demand was targeted.
If we cannot curtail demand, the smart move is to make it legal. Grow it, produce it here and cut the cartels out of the money.
Naw. People, being as stupid as they are, the cartels will just find another potent poison for people to buy and poison themselves with. Humans never learn, they just repeat same old stupidities. Humans gonna human.
Way I see it, you can't blame the cartels. If Americans are going to be perpetually stupid enough to buy a poison and put it into their bodies, employ capitalism, which they adore. Simply sell it at how high the market will bear. You want to stop drugs? Stop buying and using the poison. Instead of pointing fingers at those dayum Mexicans, dayum Chinese, dayum central Americans, dayum USA citizens. What did Forrest Gump's momma say? Oh yes, "Stupid is as stupid does."

Nice job Biden people, but you haven't won anything. The cartels will just find another boss to carry on as usual because the USA market for the poison is too lucrative. And citizen mules, and personal smugglers remain as stupid as ever. Long live capitalism!!!
Not as a dis, but following this line of logic, we should discontinue offering narcan and let the poisoners “Darwin” themselves.
And BTW I do agree it’s more a “demand” problem than a “supply” problem
Not as a dis, but following this line of logic, we should discontinue offering narcan and let the poisoners “Darwin” themselves.
And BTW I do agree it’s more a “demand” problem than a “supply” problem
The biggest worry with fentanyl is it can be absorbed into the skin. A lot of innocent bystanders can be hurt just picking something up. That's why I think its more dangerous.
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Wow. We won the war on drugs. Hear that everyone???

Just imagine, the cartels are officially leaderless so everyone will just pack up their stuff and leave the business.

Naive reaction, EL. Stupid waste of resources, Uncle Sam.
I didn't hear anyone say that
I didn't hear anyone say that
It's what MAGAs and stealth MAGAs do, pretzel statements and such into untruths designed to smear and denigrate just for the hail of it.

Wireless, funny what you said: we should discontinue offering narcan and let the poisoners “Darwin” themselves. I've harbored this very thought myself. The world's population needs thinning. Let the self-destructive dope-heads and other nitwits do their thing. The fewer, the better.
Not as a dis, but following this line of logic, we should discontinue offering narcan and let the poisoners “Darwin” themselves.
And BTW I do agree it’s more a “demand” problem than a “supply” problem
This is a very tough position for me. I don't think there is any one catalyst for drug and alcohol addiction. One of the catalysts I know exists is people trying to self manage their own psychological, mental, and physical illnesses. So on the one hand, I agree withholding narcan would help eliminate the problem with the deceased user. But there are some with the problem that are just doing the best they can. Like with many societal issues, a one-size fits all policy just doesn't seem to work.
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Mexico drugs bad
Afghanistan drugs good

Attack the Mexican cartels while providing US military security for the Afg ones. And people wonder why many think the WoD is a farce
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I look forward to them catching his partners Mustard and Ketchup soon.

It's a nothingburger unless they do. The good news is that the remaining cartel leadership is now in a bit of a pickle, at least in the short term. Lettuce see how it turns out, though.
You can only win in the game that you are playing, so congrats to the hardworking rank and file at the DOJ and DEA that made this happen.

That said, we are in the wrong game. Its almost like our leaders dont understand that without demand, supply is meaningless.
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