
Does anyone get this vibe from yesterday's game?

Particularly the diversity of the play calling in terms of running the ball and Justin Worley TRYING not to be accurate. For example, on his first passing play he threw it straight to the ground 3 yards in front of the receiver AND the receiver was maybe 8 yards in front of him. Running wise we ran the same few plays at least 8-12 times.

The defense was "gassed" after 7 minutes into the first quarter? I don't buy that nor do I buy that they were not in place for tackles. They had all summer running against the fast-pace offense and knew how to cover and process technique at a high rate.

We all know that non-sec games are not as important as SEC games but honestly was Oregon the best we could do or will we see that against Florida?
I'm sure the injuries are fake also...
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With the qb we have to work with there's not much we can do in the way of passing unfortunately. I'm not sure. I'm just tired of seeing us line up in a dual threat qb scheme without the dual threat qb. At least put peterman in with the green light to run. If it doesn't work what have we lost.

I with you bro . At this point , put Dobbs in , extra tackles..max protect and just pound it and zone read it .

With our QB we are not gonna pass and not gonna run against good defenses.
This is by far the best thread post our worst loss in 100 years. Volnation can always make me laugh after a tough Saturday.
Does anyone get this vibe from yesterday's game?

Particularly the diversity of the play calling in terms of running the ball and Justin Worley TRYING not to be accurate. For example, on his first passing play he threw it straight to the ground 3 yards in front of the receiver AND the receiver was maybe 8 yards in front of him. Running wise we ran the same few plays at least 8-12 times.

The defense was "gassed" after 7 minutes into the first quarter? I don't buy that nor do I buy that they were not in place for tackles. They had all summer running against the fast-pace offense and knew how to cover and process technique at a high rate.

We all know that non-sec games are not as important as SEC games but honestly was Oregon the best we could do or will we see that against Florida?

Please find some other team to be stupid for.
I think you are mistaking us crapping ourselves for a smokescreen.

I've seen some doozy threads after our losses over the past few years, but this one MIGHT take the cake.
Does anyone get this vibe from yesterday's game?

Particularly the diversity of the play calling in terms of running the ball and Justin Worley TRYING not to be accurate. For example, on his first passing play he threw it straight to the ground 3 yards in front of the receiver AND the receiver was maybe 8 yards in front of him. Running wise we ran the same few plays at least 8-12 times.

The defense was "gassed" after 7 minutes into the first quarter? I don't buy that nor do I buy that they were not in place for tackles. They had all summer running against the fast-pace offense and knew how to cover and process technique at a high rate.

We all know that non-sec games are not as important as SEC games but honestly was Oregon the best we could do or will we see that against Florida?

Either you are smoking some good dope or you are 14 years old. Listen. Worley has always been this bad. I don't get why this is news to people. If you thought Worley was bad, our defense is atrocious. I don't think you could play that bad if you tried to.

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