So I missed Ainge's show today.

Someone fill me in. Haven't listened to him since NSD. Was wanting to hear his comments on the game and got Swain this AM. Also noticed that the TSR app has been changed to the Swain event. Promptly uninstalled. What happened to Ainge? Is he no longer with TSR? On at another time? TIA

That's harsh. Are you running out of space on your phone?
TSR no longer exists. 1180 is now a music station that sells time to a couple of shows that used to be on TSR. Swain put together a deal with some of his advertisers to buy time on the station for his show. Ainge didn't want to do that and has taken a job in another business. He is still doing guest appearances on Swain's show.

Swain took over the old app and it streams his show.

During football season we are sponsoring Ainge appearances on the Swain Event. Had a great run with his show and will miss being a part of it but his other opportunity was too good to pass up to grind for a portion of 3 hours of ad revenue. I definitely wish him the best he is a good dude and friend. Swains show is good and I will listen but Ainge could do it on another level if he wanted to. It just comes down to what level of income one wants to attain.
The mornings have been quiet in cookeville without being able to stream the ainge show on my phone. Hope he finds a way back to radio. Only knew about TSR for a little over a year but I felt more connected as a fan for that year than any other time. They knew the pulse of the fan base. Which is more than can be said for the animal. GBO
Why didn't TSR upgrade their infrastructure?

Well, money for one. The bigger issue is you can't just make a radio signal better or more powerful. All of that is governed by the FCC. Radio stations are very rarely allowed to upgrade their signals because doing so could negatively impact other stations, especially on the AM band.
That's harsh. Are you running out of space on your phone?

Nah... I only kept the TSR app because I couldn't listen to Ainge's show live so I would catch the podcasts. I didn't listen to anything else TBH.

@DeerPark12 Thanks for the info
I liked Ainge okay when he talked football. His act got old real quick when he got off on tangents of middle school humor.

He was supposed to be on Swain's show this morning but I wasn't able to listen to Swain live, but will catch his podcast.

At any rate, a morning without Jay Bay is a good thing IMHO. Had Ainge kept his show without Jay Bay it probably would have been okay without Jay Bay to instigate his tangents and enable things to get off track.

Not to ruffle feathers, but Jay Bay was shelling out big bucks for air time to support air time for his vols. I could be an a&& and ask how much money you have contributed to the university but I'm not. Tear him down if you like but I enjoyed the ainge show when it was on. Was it a platform for comedy between JB and Erik? Yes it was but Ainges insights were spot on for the most part about UT football.

This will be long but bear with me. Bob Kesling gets so much grief about his radio calls and I would love to listen to one of our fans that demean him to do a better job. He's not John Ward or does he pretend to be, but before you tear a person down, ask yourself could you do a better job? Smart money would say, we'd hear a ton of ummmmm's and ohhh's in their broadcast, and a ton of dead air.

Why for the love of me do we have to tear a true VFL down to either prove a point or to make ourselves feel better is beyond me. Just be glad you have a person that loves his vols as much as you do and be satisfied he's getting the info to you.

As Jesus said, those without sin cast the first stone. I know I drink too much beer but god and I are mates. Deal with that!
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Not to ruffle feathers, but Jay Bay was shelling out big bucks for air time to support air time for his vols. I could be an a&& and ask how much money you have contributed to the university but I'm not. Tear him down if you like but I enjoyed the ainge show when it was on. Was it a platform for comedy between JB and Erik? Yes it was but Ainges insights were spot on for the most part about UT football.

This will be long but bear with me. Bob Kesling gets so much grief about his radio calls and I would love to listen to one of our fans that demean him to do a better job. He's not John Ward or does he pretend to be, but before you tear a person down, ask yourself could you do a better job? Smart money would say, we'd hear a ton of ummmmm's and ohhh's in their broadcast, and a ton of dead air.

Why for the love of me do we have to tear a true VFL down to either prove a point or to make ourselves feel better is beyond me. Just be glad you have a person that loves his vols as much as you do and be satisfied he's getting the info to you.

As Jesus said, those without sin cast the first stone. I know I drink too much beer but god and I are mates. Deal with that!

IMHO... Jay Bay should have stayed off the air and spent more time running his business behind the scenes. Ainge could have easily stood on his own. Had Jay Bay done that would TSR have made it, who knows? My bottom line is that Jay Bay didn't add anything to the Ainge show that I will miss.

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