Not to ruffle feathers, but Jay Bay was shelling out big bucks for air time to support air time for his vols. I could be an a&& and ask how much money you have contributed to the university but I'm not. Tear him down if you like but I enjoyed the ainge show when it was on. Was it a platform for comedy between JB and Erik? Yes it was but Ainges insights were spot on for the most part about UT football.
This will be long but bear with me. Bob Kesling gets so much grief about his radio calls and I would love to listen to one of our fans that demean him to do a better job. He's not John Ward or does he pretend to be, but before you tear a person down, ask yourself could you do a better job? Smart money would say, we'd hear a ton of ummmmm's and ohhh's in their broadcast, and a ton of dead air.
Why for the love of me do we have to tear a true VFL down to either prove a point or to make ourselves feel better is beyond me. Just be glad you have a person that loves his vols as much as you do and be satisfied he's getting the info to you.
As Jesus said, those without sin cast the first stone. I know I drink too much beer but god and I are mates. Deal with that!