So much for Golesh to UF



Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2022

If this is accurate, it will make their search very difficult. I am not sure a proven coach would bail on their current job to run to UF.
Did I miss something? Has Golesh been mentioned as a serious candidate to land the UF job?

If this is accurate, it will make their search very difficult. I am not sure a proven coach would bail on their current job to run to UF.
Smart money says Kiffin becomes gatas head coach. That would be bad news for us.
As much as I like Golesh, is he even ready for an SEC gig?

It’s not like he’s set the world on fire at USF…
Who's a proven winner that's looking for a new opportunity? Miami is on the rise. FLst, despite the 3 loses, is in position to be a power house team again. And the SEC is, top to bottom, is as stout as it's ever been. Jumping in at FL right now is very high risk. Going somewhere outside of the SEC and trying to build a program is a smarter move for a top caliber coach. If I'm understanding the new playoff system right, going to a lesser conference and trying to build a better team is a quicker path to a national championship, or at least repeated playoff appearances. FL is still a high profile job, but even Urban Meyer couldn't take the heat in the kitchen.
Smart money says Kiffin becomes gatas head coach. That would be bad news for us.
He is the top 'rumor' coach but he is for every opening it seems. UF would be a pressure cooker and Ole Miss is not but that probably doesn't faze him. See how this season goes for Kiffin to see if he is interested in moving on.
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As much as I like Golesh, is he even ready for an SEC gig?

It’s not like he’s set the world on fire at USF…
USF before Golesh:

2020: 1-8
2021: 2-10
2022: 1-11

Then Golesh comes in and USF is 7-6 last year and is 2-1 this year and was only down 1 point to Bama in the 4th quarter in Tuscaloosa.

Especially when you consider he learned under Heupel and see all the success Tennessee is having. I think a program has to jump on him early to get a shot at him. I think he gets a shot to coach in the SEC next year. Florida would be smart to hire him if not Kiffin. And if Kiffin goes to UF, Golesh would be a good replacement for Ole Miss.
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UF as an organizational whole is a total disaster. No sane coach will try to steer that boat until the Pres., AD , boosters are aligned and stability arrives. Look at the multi yr mess we fell into with these same factors.
The similarities between florida now and Tennessee of the post Fulmer era are starting to form. I can see them churning through coaches for a while.
Hopefully they are closer to 2009/10 Tennessee than 2019/20 Tennessee. They have already been churning through coaches for a while...they'll hit on one eventually. They have a chance to really start fresh (like we did) with a new President, new AD (probably), and new football HC (almost certainly).
I donno. I might be like hiring an alcoholic to manage a liquor store. What could go wrong?

According to both he and several family members... he hasn't had a drink in 4 years........ In Oxford no less..... Also, Sark is an alcoholic and he's succeeding professionally in one of the biggest party towns in America.

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